Speeding ticket from Bellaire Police

18 March 2005
Houston, TX
Hey guys. I am thinking I'm going to fight this. Who should I contact?

David Sprecher doesn't do Bellaire.

Noticed a directionality problem on the ticket. I think I have a good chance of winning. What do you think?

Thanks guys,
Curious....you were "allegedly" doing what in a what?

My first suggestion is to plead not guilty and set it for trial. Then you have time to look at your options. You can roll the dice and hope the cop doesn't show up and it will get dismissed. Once you trial date starts approaching, you can request it be reset....and this gives you another few months. (*this is all speculative....as I've never received a ticket in Bellaire)

But they are being sneaky now, acting like the cop showed up, hoping you will just pay the ticket. Also, I hear officers are being pressed to show up.