Speeding Ticket (Fight or Pay?)

27 October 2006
Well I finally got a speeding ticket in the NSX after 3 years. I knew the time would come but the way I got the ticket was so fricken stupid I'm kinda pissed that it happened this way.

I was on my way to work in the morning and was 1 block from the office. I was alone on the street and was approaching my left turn. I was just cruising along not speeding since I had noticed that the light was red and there were cars waiting to turn left.

But when I looked up again I realized that the light had turned green and most of the cars had gone through. So in an attempt to make the light I sped up for about 6 seconds (seriously) cause as soon as I sped up the light turned red and I realized I wasn't going to make it so I slowed back down.

Well in that very short amount of time out of the corner of my eye I saw a motorcycle cop on a side road and I just knew he was gonna come after me. Sure enough I get to the light and he pulled up behind me...lights flashing. :mad:

I pulled over and he said he got me on laser (yes I have a V1 but it never went off.....which I believe is possible if it was just my car only and I was at close range). Said I was doing 51 in a 35.

Anyway I know he is right and I was speeding but dam that sure sucks to get a speeding ticket like that.

So should I just pay the $300+ ticket and do the traffic school or is this worth trying to fight and get it tossed or calling a "specialist" to try and get it thrown out?
Sorry to hear about the speeding ticket. But man lately the cities are in need of money and the cops are out at full force. I would fight since it seems like a good reason, but I am told the $$ saving is not worth any more for taking work time off, spending time in court and the humiliation from traffic school. Maybe the point reduction is worth it. Good luck.
Sorry to hear about the speeding ticket. But man lately the cities are in need of money and the cops are out at full force. I would fight since it seems like a good reason, but I am told the $$ saving is not worth any more for taking work time off, spending time in court and the humiliation from traffic school. Maybe the point reduction is worth it. Good luck.

I can do the traffic school cause I haven't had a speeding ticket in the last 3 years. But if I can somehow get this dismissed I would prefer it. But I don't see any way to get out of it so I just wanted to check and see if its possible and worth the $$ and trouble of trying.
So you "sped up for about 6 seconds (seriously)". Or did you "seriously speed up" for six seconds? With the CTSC I assume it was the latter. :wink:

My philosophy on getting tickets is this: I've avoided getting ticketed so many times in the past that, if stopped, I just politely nod and take it like a man. You can always go to court, plead "guilty with an explanation", and hope to get the fine reduced. This has worked for me in the past. I got the fine reduced to a $10 court fee and was offered traffic school.

Sorry for your ticket.
My philosophy on getting tickets is this: I've avoided getting ticketed so many times in the past that, if stopped, I just politely nod and take it like a man. You can always go to court, plead "guilty with an explanation", and hope to get the fine reduced. This has worked for me in the past. I got the fine reduced to a $10 court fee and was offered traffic school.

Sorry for your ticket.

Yep yep
my lawyers cleared 2 of my 3 speeding tickets this past 18 months. Unfortunately, the 3rd one lost in court... damn gotta take online traffic school now, not to mention i have to be "more careful" on the road for the next 18 months...

let me know if u want their contact
So you "sped up for about 6 seconds (seriously)". Or did you "seriously speed up" for six seconds? With the CTSC I assume it was the latter. :wink:

My philosophy on getting tickets is this: I've avoided getting ticketed so many times in the past that, if stopped, I just politely nod and take it like a man. You can always go to court, plead "guilty with an explanation", and hope to get the fine reduced. This has worked for me in the past. I got the fine reduced to a $10 court fee and was offered traffic school.

Sorry for your ticket.
Roger my $.2 is go to court and fight the ticket,you may save $300 ..Bill
Fight the ticket; even if it costs you more to fight it than paying the fine (to a limit, of course). Why? Because you don't want that point on your insurance record - once that's on there, your rates will be higher for three years at least.
Sorry to hear about the ticket Roger.

Because you don't want that point on your insurance record

I thought a successful completion of traffic school will also remove the point(s) from your record. Would that be an option also? Sorry, not an expert at accumulating points, but would like to know for possible future reference.
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Sorry to hear about the ticket Roger.

I thought a successful completion of traffic school will also remove the point(s) from your record. Would that be an option also? Sorry, not an expert at accumulating points, but would like to know for possible future reference.

You are correct. Succesful completion of traffic school keeps it off of your record. So, you could pay the fine and take traffic school. If you go this route, you have to keep a clean record for 18 continuous months as a second infraction in 18 months is not eligible for traffic school.

I suggest fighting the ticket b/c those with a CTSC on their NSX are probably going to get tagged more than once for speeding (I kid, I kid). :tongue:
I suggest hiring an attorney to represent you, or if you know what you are doing, contest it yourself. I have been successful(lucky!) with both approaches. I like the police and appreciate what they do to get DUI drivers and for assistance at accidents. I'm talking about contesting a ticket due to silly reasons like you mention above, a moment that we all have had, whether police were present or not.


Because someday you won't be able to clear a ticket and if you can clear one now, that is one less on your record.


1. It keeps your insurance cost down.
2. Next time you are pulled over, when the police look up your history you will have a clean record. Vs. if you have a ticket already on your record, you may increase your chances of getting another ticket written up. I believe having a clean record, as well as a good attitude, has helped me at times when I have gotten off with just a verbal warning.
3. Some jobs look at your citation history so you want a clean history: Auto industry, commercial drivers, others?

That, to me, is worth the time and money spent.
Sorry to hear about your ticket Roger. Contest it. Nothing to loose. Other alternative is to get a Hoveround.
If you want my opinion, based on 15 years of traffic enforcement and being a certified LIDAR instructor, you cannot win in court. The reason you state above WILL NOT work !!!!!!! so, that leaves you with the option of committing perjury and claiming you were not speeding... but heres my opinion of how the officer is going to testify....and pretty much slam dunk his case....

abriviated version....
Officer: your honnor, i was working traffic enforcement on XXX road, in a full uniform and riding a marked police motorcycle. While parked at my location, i observed a red Acura NSX traveling XXXbound on XXX street in the #? lane. I watched as the vehicle accelerated to a speed i estimated as being xxmph. i activated my LIDAR unit and obtained an intial speed of xxmph at xxx feet of my location. I continued to track the vehicle thru my LIDAR unit's heads up display and locked a speed of 51mph at xxx feet from my location. i effected a traffic stop and contactedd the driver (standing to my left or right) and advised him of the reason for stopping him. the driver said ...... (fill in what you said. he will most likely have it recorded on digital recording).

in 15 years, i have NEVER lost a LIDAR ticket trial..... they are virtually impossible to beat.... IF the officer presents his testimony correctly....

my advice, plead guilty with an explination (nolo contendre) eat A LOT of crow with the judge (they like it when people take responsibility) and ask for a reduction in the fine.... very likely if you have a clean driving record..

I know my opinions and advice may not be popular.... but i have offered tohis advice to other people i know and it has worked for them...

good luck...
If you want my opinion, based on 15 years of traffic enforcement and being a certified LIDAR instructor, you cannot win in court. The reason you state above WILL NOT work !!!!!!! so, that leaves you with the option of committing perjury and claiming you were not speeding... but heres my opinion of how the officer is going to testify....and pretty much slam dunk his case....

abriviated version....
Officer: your honnor, i was working traffic enforcement on XXX road, in a full uniform and riding a marked police motorcycle. While parked at my location, i observed a red Acura NSX traveling XXXbound on XXX street in the #? lane. I watched as the vehicle accelerated to a speed i estimated as being xxmph. i activated my LIDAR unit and obtained an intial speed of xxmph at xxx feet of my location. I continued to track the vehicle thru my LIDAR unit's heads up display and locked a speed of 51mph at xxx feet from my location. i effected a traffic stop and contactedd the driver (standing to my left or right) and advised him of the reason for stopping him. the driver said ...... (fill in what you said. he will most likely have it recorded on digital recording).

in 15 years, i have NEVER lost a LIDAR ticket trial..... they are virtually impossible to beat.... IF the officer presents his testimony correctly....

my advice, plead guilty with an explination (nolo contendre) eat A LOT of crow with the judge (they like it when people take responsibility) and ask for a reduction in the fine.... very likely if you have a clean driving record..

I know my opinions and advice may not be popular.... but i have offered tohis advice to other people i know and it has worked for them...

good luck...

OUCH! :eek:
I made an illegal rt on red last year. Went to court, cop never showed and the ticket was thrown out. I would say 1/3 of cases had no cop that day thus tickets were tossed.
Three in 18-months, how in the hell does that happen?

My last and only one of two speeding tickets ever (knock on wood) 1973 in my '72 240Z when I was just a young hotdog.


Now I'm just an old Hotdog!

Roger, you may force me to come over there and relieve you of that SC.
Three in 18-months, how in the hell does that happen?

My last and only one of two speeding tickets ever (knock on wood) 1973 in my '72 240Z when I was just a young hotdog.
Knock on wood for me too. No any source of traffic violations since 1988.:smile:
NOw here is some info all of us can use.

the Online 6-8-12 hour Traffic school, is a joke.

once you log on you to read a paragraph
and the paragraph is like 45 words give or take.
now it takes normal people 20 seconds or less to read this.
but there is a timer clicking away at the top of the screen.
all you need to do is move the mouse around every few minutes to keep this timer going.
if you dont it logs you off and you have to start that paragraph again.
with the timer reset to 0.0 after each Forced 30 minute read
of a paragraph you have to answer 1 -2 questions on what you did wrong in your case.
not one question is about the paragraph that they made you read for 30-45 minutes.
my answer to all my paragraphs was the same "I didnt do it but I wont do nothing again"
then it goes on to the next question.
it continues to go on like this till you have acquired 6-8-12 hours worth of Paragraph readings
you submit your answers and instantly they e-mail you a certificate of completion. wow hard.

so get a laptop on a day off and watch tv. while the laptop is logged into the Online school just
wiggle the mouse a few times and keep watching tv till the timer runs out on the screen. done done done.

Its a joke. but it the same credit value as going into the class in person. and the online classes cost 50 times less than the other.

mail the printed out complition page and your done.

I was actually disappointed in the Online version as it was useless to people that really need to take the classes.

take the hit. pay the fine. take the online.

my 2 cents
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always fight it always... not saying lie if the officer shows just always atleast use your rights to fight it. I have had more tickets than most and have ended with less than a 1/4 sticking due to officers not showing, or the officer giving a poor statement. it's your right to a fair trial so take the time to make them convict, and if nothing else be reasonable if they get you and eat crow as stated above and if nothing else it will be reduced.
NOw here is some info all of us can use.

the Online 6-8-12 hour Traffic school, is a joke.

once you log on you to read a paragraph
and the paragraph is like 45 words give or take.
now it takes normal people 20 seconds or less to read this.
but there is a timer clicking away at the top of the screen.
all you need to do is move the mouse around every few minutes to keep this timer going.
if you dont it logs you off and you have to start that paragraph again.
with the timer reset to 0.0 after each Forced 30 minute read
of a paragraph you have to answer 1 -2 questions on what you did wrong in your case.
not one question is about the paragraph that they made you read for 30-45 minutes.
my answer to all my paragraphs was the same "I didnt do it but I wont do nothing again"
then it goes on to the next question.
it continues to go on like this till you have acquired 6-8-12 hours worth of Paragraph readings
you submit your answers and instantly they e-mail you a certificate of completion. wow hard.

so get a laptop on a day off and watch tv. while the laptop is logged into the Online school just
wiggle the mouse a few times and keep watching tv till the timer runs out on the screen. done done done.

Its a joke. but it the same credit value as going into the class in person. and the online classes cost 50 times less than the other.

mail the printed out complition page and your done.

I was actually disappointed in the Online version as it was useless to people that really need to take the classes.

take the hit. pay the fine. take the online.

my 2 cents

Shawn: that maybe how things are done in Florida but my experience in California was quite a bit different. The California test I took (state certified test center) was broken down into multiple sections and there were a dozen or so multiple choice questions in each section that you had to pass 100% to continue to the next section. At the end of all this there is a final exam and 80% minimum pass is required. Now these questions are not the easiest and are tricky. I had a miserable time with the test but had feedback from my girls and wife to get me through it. I paid the $360 ish fine and took the test. Wasn't much fun but still better than the hassle fighting the thing and being away from work.
Traffic school option will also come in the mail with your official paperwork from the court, if you're eligible. However, you'll still have to pay the full fine + fees. Might get reduction in fine showing up in court however.
I use ticketassasin.com which gives u templates to fight it by mail (which most people don't know about or do).

It's a pain in the ass for the LEO to go through all the checklist and paperwork which involves certifications, etc.

They don't get overtime for doing paperwork at the desk, which most hate.

They rather chase, shot or try to make a mockery outta u in court while getting overtime for it.

I have a 95% success rate for fighting ticket by mail.

And if the LEO tries to respond to my mail trial then I escalate it to trial in person, respond on the day or just before the deadline in traffic court to set a trial, which I ask for the furthest trial date (usually make up an excuse that I'm going outta town for business for months), and then right before that date comes up, I request the trial date be pushed back a few more months.

By then almost a year has lapsed, and the LEO has probably given 25 tickets/day.

Memory is a little fuzzy by now.......
Id also ask if that radar gun was calibrated and certified for the year. I dont know what relevance that bears in CA... Just a thought though
Wow, I hired a Law Firm to fight my speeding ticket a little over a year ago and I just got a letter today stating my case has been dismissed.

I pretty much gave up on this ticket since I haven't heard anything in so long. Today's letter was quite the surprise (first the Giants and now this :)

I'm glad they charged a flat fee and I'm glad this ticket is done. Let me know if anyone needs their contact info or want to see the letter :D PM me.
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