speed bumps

Slow down? And make sure they're not German made.

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Approach at a 45 degree angle and tiptoe over it...one tire at a time. Same thing applies on driveways...go at an angle.
There is no way. In fact, taking the car in tomorrow to have the chin spoiler repaired...again. Welcome to San Francisco.
take it slow and if you can at an angle.

on a side note: i wonder if some of these are permitted. Sometimes neighborhoods just have them put in without going through the proper steps. I know one instance when speed bumpes were removed after a coupld of months.
bring up your ride height.

sometimes there are just bumps or dips you cant avoid... in which case you suck it up and let your baby take the curb:smile:
I chose to raise my ride height. Now I can get a finger gap between the fender and tire. (Car was slammed before with all four wheels tucked in.)

Next thing to worry about---> curb height, parking blocks, etc...:biggrin:
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Slow down and keep NSX at stock height is the best protection against speed bumps/dips. Even at stock height, you may scrape at times. One more thing: no fat chicks.:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Speed bumps are like telemarketers!

Avoid them, or drive over them slowly. :biggrin: