Speed Bleeder sheared off in rear caliper

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Experienced Member
15 August 2000
Bellingham, WA
While installing speed bleeders for the first time yesterday one of them completely sheared off while being tightened down!

I tried following the extraction method on speedbleeder.com of drilling a hole and inserting an allen wrench. That all went smoothly with the allen wrench getting a good grip on the broken bleeder but I couldn't budge it out. Eventually after pulling hard many times the allen wrench lost its grip and started spinning freely in the hole I had made.

Any recommendations on how best to proceed? Options that I can see...

1. Use an EzOut with a power drill. (Speedbleeder.com says not to use this, but I found others on the Internet who said it worked fine for them)
2. Mail the caliper to speed bleeders and have them remove it for free.
3. Take the caliper to a local machine shop and see if they can get it out.
4. Buy a new rear caliper for $670. Probably not necessary since the NSX calipers are cast iron and should still be fine, right?

One concern I have is if heat will hurt any of the seals in the caliper. Some people say their local shop had to apply heat to get the bleeder out, while speed bleeders talks about using an arc welder to attach a nut to the top of the sheared off bleeder. Should I be concerned?
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