Specialized NSX accident repair shop in NJ area?

18 March 2009
Well, the unthinkable happened this morning. A 6-point buck ran out in front of me and ended up going over the car, taking out a fender, windshield and the roof with him. Only superficial front end damage in the form of cracks in the paint on the nose. The main concern here is the repair/replacement of the roof piece. Anyone know of a specialist in the NJ area that can do this?
Whoa! Sorry to hear this.

do you have a coupe, or a T?

Dad hit a deer with his 91 coupe in a similar sounding accident and it was totaled out by insurance.


User Pbassjo is in your region isn't he? He runs a high quality body shop from what i have read.

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Joe Lomoriello, owner of Vince's Auto Body, is on Prime under "Pbassjo". He is an NSX owner, zen master body guy (especially with the NSX), extremely conscientious and all around nice guy with impeccable integrity. He has worked on many NSXs over the years (including mine 3 times) and is the "LarryB" of bodywork.

He is in Poughkeepsie, New York but well worth the trip.
Thanks for the help. I'll get in touch with him after the insurance adjuster heads over here to estimate the damages.
My advice is to listen to Joe if he chooses to do the work,He may tell you things that you don't want to hear or believe,but you can rest asured that what he says is truth.
I have experience in auto body and metal fabrication myself. I'm confident I could do this myself and do a pretty good job, but I'd rather not practice my NSX repairing skills on my car if you know what I mean. The way I see it is anything can be fixed... it's all about how much you're willing to spend to fix it. :)
If its not that bad, fix it or get it fixed. NSX numbers are dwindling...
One way or another, I believe it'll be fixed.

I don't see the numbers dwindling. I see lots for sale on ebay every week! :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear of your car's demise. My experince of hitting a pothole Saturday night and losing a rear tire & rim pales in comparison.

I had great results 9 years ago on my NSX with Robbie's on Rt 46 in Dover, NJ. It has stood the test of time. He has specialized equipment to weld aluminum, does a lot of work on high end cars including Audi A8 (aluminum). Earlier this year Robbie's did work on my son's RL with the same attention to quality and detail.

I have no experience comparing his work to Vince's, but you are welcome to stop by again to take a closer look at my car anytime. PM if you lost my phone number.

PS: When mine needed work, Robbie suggested I bring the car to him before the insurance adjuster arrived. Robbie then looked for any hidden damage. As a result, there were no extra charges or haggling with the insurance company after the work began.
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It's a 91 coupe and the damage is similar to your pic there.

Can you post details on the shop you mentioned?


Joe Lomoriello, owner of Vince's Auto Body, is on Prime under "Pbassjo". He is an NSX owner, zen master body guy (especially with the NSX), extremely conscientious and all around nice guy with impeccable integrity. He has worked on many NSXs over the years (including mine 3 times) and is the "LarryB" of bodywork.

He is in Poughkeepsie, New York but well worth the trip.

That is exactly what I heard!

Good luck with it!

BTW- Dad's NSX was totalled and settled by his insurance, but after it was sold @ insurance auction it turned up with a clear title in California (according to CarFax). I can only assume it was repaired- so that NSX is still out there somewhere...

Well, the insurance company says it's not totalled which I'm happy about. I put in a call to Joe but he's at NSX Stock. I left a message for him to call me back.
Joe is the man to do the work. You also want him to handle the insurance adjuster. He will find things that they haven't put in their report and make sure that it's paid, and you get the car back better than new!
"Deer fear" is a reality for most of us! Sorry to hear about your collision.
Did the deer make it or will the family be eating venison this winter? :rolleyes:
A 9mm took care of the deer. Those things sure can take a beating! The impact from hitting the car and then the impact from hitting the ground after being launched into the air could not have been very light.