Special thanks to Jack/Yolanda (yojack1)

15 October 2003
West coast!
Now my engine bay is 10x more bling and has just a touch of uniqueness! :biggrin:

I have a host of engine dress up parts going on the car in the next few days but just wanted to share this picture! Very custom and sure beats any polished piece of metal...hehe


yojack: I may need some assistance since the top right of the plexi hits my new brace. Can we get it cut and repolished?


Rick, I'm assuming it's just barely touching. It should be easy to mark and file down the top of the plastic where the bar touches. Then using some finer and finer grades of sand paper to remove the file mark scratches. Using a Dremel with a polishing pad and some compound to polish should take care of it. You can always bring up to the house one day and we can work on it.

You da couple...:biggrin:
Rick, I'm assuming it's just barely touching. It should be easy to mark and file down the top of the plastic where the bar touches. Then using some finer and finer grades of sand paper to remove the file mark scratches. Using a Dremel with a polishing pad and some compound to polish should take care of it. You can always bring up to the house one day and we can work on it.


Actually I was thinking it's probably my new rear polished STB. Looking at it now there are 4 gold hex bolts that are below the plexi - those are kinda thick so if I can find some low profile bolts perhaps?

I marked it with masking tape, no rush but whenever you have time :)

You da couple...:biggrin:

Doug, straying a little far off the abalone dive thread aren't you!:biggrin:

We be talkin car mods over here not trollin for fish!:smile:
Doug, straying a little far off the abalone dive thread aren't you!:biggrin:

We be talkin car mods over here not trollin for fish!:smile:

Oh Jack, you know I'm a Doug of all traits.:biggrin: