Special Discounts for NSXCA members at NSX Crave, so join NOW!

30 October 2000
Houston, TX
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm proud to announce that NSXCA members can take advantage of special discounts at the NSX Crave/Harris Hill Road track event. See post here for more details on the track event.

If you have not joined NSXCA, please do so now, by clicking here, and start taking advantage of all the benefits NSX Club of America has to offer.

We need 20 people to confirm they would like to participate in this event and then the fee will be $50 person, minus $25 for NSXCA members, so you will pay as little as $25 for tracking your car. Those who have been to the track before can appreciate how cheap this is.

*IF you are not a NSXCA member, nor do you wish to become one, you are still more than welcome to this event.

This is a controlled environment and is readily safe for 1st timers, beginners, and novices. The event would be lead/follow and would be geared towards first timers just wanting to take it easy on the track and drivers with more experience.

Schedule would be similar to this:

11:00-11:15am - Parade Lap
11:20-11:40am - Group 1 (Int/Adv)
11:45a-12:05p - Group 2 (Novice)
12:10-12:30pm - Group 1
12:35-12:55pm - Group 2
1:00-1:20pm - Solo time for advanced group only (no passing, limited cars on course, full hot laps

Depending on the numbers of NSXCA members, the discount may vary. Also, depending on the number of NSXCA members partaking, we may do lunch on us as well.

Questions, comments, concerns, please feel free to contact me or post here. Please let your NSX friends know.


NSXCA Southcentral Representative

*Special thanks to: Jose, Ojas, Luis, Chris, LarryB, and Bob.

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Dude your fired!!!!!! How could you forget Luis!!!! :wink:

Seriously though this is a hell of a deal for anyone wanting to join NSXCA. Don't forget you get a cool sticker too.

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DAm thats a GREAT deal!! I wish i could make it. I will be there sunday though:smile:
Reminder, please get your NSXCA membership and/or renew your memberships to take advantage of the NSXCA benefits. :smile:

Contact me if you have any questions or concerns.