Special color :)

That's not a simple color that is described with a code. It's a special cameleon color (cameleon is it right in english ? like the animal that can changes his color). Three basical colors, the mixing is very precise.

It is a custom color, specially made for my car. The guy who made that is a friend of mine and he then took out the sample of his catalog. No one else can do it here.

But in the US it's not near me so it's not a problem for me :D

If you are really intersted, I can ask him how to reproduce that color. But it's very a expensive color !

Hey, where's your post !? ;-)
Wow!! That was very very nice color, I love it !!!
Do you have the color code ? wanna change my blue nsx now :D
Sory can't control myself, have to repost the pic :p


  • smallb.jpg
    28.3 KB · Views: 624
chrisinfo said:
If you are really intersted, I can ask him how to reproduce that color. But it's very a expensive color !

How's much it cost you? My NSX is custom blue too, mix with 5 color. I have the color code to reproduce that color again for touchup or respray. My front and rear bumper need to respray, thinking of changin color :D

Yes, I really interested. Thanks very much if you could get me the "mixture recipe" color code.
That paint looks like RM Chromaflair http://www.extreme-paint.com/product.htm I used to have a Legend painted in Carribean Night Mist from RM and it looked just like that. I also had a Jeep and a motorcyle that had flames painted with Dupont Chromalusion http://www.e-motorclassics.com/SoldeBayAuctions/1947International/Pickup.htm
The paint runs about $300 a pint and you need about 4 pints to do a car good. Dont thin it out too much b/c it wont change as many colors. You can get the paint at just about any paint retailer.
I don't know that product in europe (switzerland). Here I had to ask for a special mix to obtain that color, but it is made with Dupont paint liquids.

I found the existing ones too flashy for a car like the NSX, I wanted something more discrete but beautiful.

I'm gonna ask what products exactly, and proportions also :-)
I should have that next week :D

For more pics, you can go on my website :

Sorry it's in french, but with the upper link you will come to the NSX main page presenting my NSX. On the left, the menu to see the different pages under "Ma NSX", just try these links to see the color (with "making of") ;-)
Also pictures of inside, engine, audio system,...

What you have there is EXACTLY the color-change paint I've always wanted. I already need three panels repainted on my own car, so I'm very tempted to take this opportunity to do my entire car in that style.

Two questions:

How well do touch-ups work with paint like that?

If I were to get in a minor collision and needed to get a panel repainted, how hard is it to match panels?
Aiken Drum

If I understand right, touch-ups are little corrections if you have just a small part touched ? It is possible, but I must say quite difficult. Depends where, and depend strongly of the guy that will make that work ! If it's on a corner, a little part, it's possible. If it's in the middle of a big flat part, I don't think so. Then you have to paint the whole part.

But for the matching of the colors there is no problem, the guy has the reference of the different components, and he just has to do the same mix :D

For the price, for the NSX I had to pay ~1'500$ for the liquid.
if you get damage on the panel you have to paint the whole side of the car again, its very expensive, but i got sponsored! the way the metallic flakes are directioned (new word) help decide which colour in which direction. Unless someone is a very skilled painter one panel done by itself will be a different colour to the rest.

ppg does the same colour also. There are quite a few options available, especially since this 'fad' has died down a bit (im referring to the show scene. ;) Touch ups can be done but it looks pretty awful. While the paint is in good condition it looks awesome as does your car chris ;)