Speaking of bad dreams.....

24 July 2000
I've had a couple of dreams about my nsx.... (or future nsx) ... the reason I say future NSX, is because one of the dreams was about my 2001 silverstone NSX..... which had lots of damage.. of course I own a 91 black/black nsx... and i want a 2001 silverstone. but anyways, the damage of the silver nsx in my dream was apparently from vandals and it looked like someone had been trying to repair it by drilling holes in the side panels to pull out some of the dents -of course that only made it worse...

another dream of mine was that I dreamt about coming out to my car after some sort of large event...concert or something and found my car with its doors open and all the windows broken out of it... and most of the body heavily damaged... these were both verrrry bad dreams... much of a flash back because i had a prelude of mine stolen and totalled right out from under my nose while i was sleeping..........

