Spa Yellow 97 NSX-T in OH - VIN # JH4NA2160VT000280

15 October 2003
West coast!
Looks good to me. I am not a fan of the wheels, but other than that, it sounds great. Go for it.
s4play said:
What do you guys think?
I think the reason it didn't sell (didn't get a higher bid) is because of the modifications. Not that there is anything specifically wrong with them, but that the relatively low prices bid are a reflection of the fact that there are a whole lot more potential buyers interested in a relatively stock car than one like this.

There's also no information on how well the car has been maintained (e.g. timing belt done?), condition, etc.

And, of course, you have no idea how much the reserve was. Don't think that this is a car that could be bought at the highest bid ($37,300) because it isn't. You just don't know how much the guy is asking.

If this is how you would modify a car, then by all means look into it. Good luck!
nsxtasy said:

If this is how you would modify a car, then by all means look into it. Good luck!

I think most people that mod their cars would do basically what has been done to this car. I/H/E. Brakes always good. The car is lowered cause of the wheels I guess. The clutch and flywheel would be more of a personal preference. I drove a CTSC NSX two weeks ago with the Comtpech clutch and I really really liked it. Just a little heavier than stock, but grabbed way better.

I would check into the maintenece like Ken says.

I am sure his reserve is well north of 50K. That car is probably worth $55 if it is clean, well maintained, and purchased by someone who wants the mods.

Someone that wants as stock NSX would probably not consider this car.
NetViper said:
I think most people that mod their cars would do basically what has been done to this car.
I don't. The wheels are larger than most owners have chosen for aftermarket wheels, and most owners do not choose chrome. The clutch is not to everyone's liking either.

NetViper said:
I am sure his reserve is well north of 50K.
I'm not. But we have no way of knowing.

NetViper said:
That car is probably worth $55 if it is clean, well maintained, and purchased by someone who wants the mods.
I disagree. For one thing, that is a big "IF"; I don't think you should assume that the maintenance is complete, for example. The mileage is average for a '97. So, according to the Pricing Section of the FAQ, if stock, it might be a "C" car ($45-50K). IMO this car's market value is NOT increased by those mods, and unless there is a buyer who wants EXACTLY this combination of mods (which seem an odd combination of performance and bling), this car will have a tough time getting the upper forties that it would otherwise probably be worth without the mods. Which, as it turns out, seems to be supported by the auction results.

I think the owner will be lucky if he gets $45K for this car.

NetViper said:
Looks good to me. I am not a fan of the wheels, but other than that, it sounds great. Go for it.

Those wheels are especially rotten, aren't they?
Good golly - those wheels ought to be a crime on that car, and a Felony at that. When I see those wheels, they are usually bolted to a stupid SUV, slammed, ghetto blaster stereo that causes the windows to rattle and some gold toothed moron with gold chains around his neck, trying to look the menacing gangster part.

Fortunately, most of these jerks would not know a gangster if one rear ended them.
hello guys,

I REALLY appreciate all the insight and pointers into this car. As we all know, buying a used car is risky so it's always nice to know as much as possible before making a decision.

I agree the rims are pretty ugly on this car but that is an easy fix as long as everything else is in order. I will send the owner an e-mail and see what he wants for the car. If it's high 30's or low 40's I will then decide.

My s2000 will hopefully be sold by the end of this week at which time I can then concentrate on buying the NSX.

chumch: Thanks so much for the offer, that would be awesome if you could go look at it for me but let me see what this owner wants for the car first :)

hoping to be a proud NSX owner soon!

s4play said:
hello guys,

If it's high 30's or low 40's I will then decide.

Personally, I think you are dreaming if you think it will be either. Look on autotrader. That car is worth high 40's all day long. (if well maintained). It would probably be worth more with the OEM wheels on there and not those POS ones.

Just my opinion. I guess we'll see.
s4play said:
hello guys,

I REALLY appreciate all the insight and pointers into this car. As we all know, buying a used car is risky so it's always nice to know as much as possible before making a decision.

I agree the rims are pretty ugly on this car but that is an easy fix as long as everything else is in order. I will send the owner an e-mail and see what he wants for the car. If it's high 30's or low 40's I will then decide.

My s2000 will hopefully be sold by the end of this week at which time I can then concentrate on buying the NSX.

chumch: Thanks so much for the offer, that would be awesome if you could go look at it for me but let me see what this owner wants for the car first :)

hoping to be a proud NSX owner soon!


If it's high 30's or low 40's I will then decide Not going to happen for price, so I wouldn't get your hopes up. If it was that cheap, then it's condition would be reflective of the price.
Just got an email back from the seller(I inquired about it on ebay)

Hi, Yes, I still have the 1997 NSX. My reserve was around $48,000.

Even that is a good deal with those mods (minus the wheels) if it has been well maintained.
NetViper said:
That car is worth high 40's all day long. (if well maintained).
Apparently not, since no one bid that high for it. I would say low forties, maybe. Maybe $45K, but certainly no more. As for maintenance, it doesn't mention the timing belt service, so I would assume it hasn't been done - and it's now due.

NetViper said:
It would probably be worth more with the OEM wheels on there and not those POS ones.
According to the auction, it also comes with the original wheels and tires (and all the other original parts).
nsxtasy said:
Apparently not, since no one bid that high for it. I would say low forties, maybe. Maybe $45K, but certainly no more. As for maintenance, it doesn't mention the timing belt service, so I would assume it hasn't been done - and it's now due.

Ken, just because nobody bid that high does not mean it is not worth that much. There are so many yellow NSX's for sales these days, there are many other options for a serious buyer. However, most are over $48,000.

We never agree on values anyway :)
NetViper said:
just because nobody bid that high does not mean it is not worth that much.
Not true. If this car were the slam dunk at high forties that you claim, anyone familiar with the NSX market would be a fool not to bid low forties and turn around and sell it. That ain't happening.

NetViper said:
There are so many yellow NSX's for sales these days, there are many other options for a serious buyer. However, most are over $48,000.
A lot of 1997 NSXs are over $48K. These days, a lot under $48K, too. (Right now there are four 1997 NSXs for sale on Autotrader, and three of them are under $48K.)

A lot have less than average mileage. This one has average mileage. (Two of the four have more mileage than this one, two have less.)

A lot are close to stock. This one is not (and does not have the most sought-after mods that help increase market value).

A lot are well maintained. This one has no indication of its maintenance.

Not all cars are the same, and prices vary widely. These are some of the factors that determine market value, and they don't work in favor of higher prices for this car. Condition is a big factor, too (and condition can only be judged in person).

NetViper said:
We never agree on values anyway
I've seen HUNDREDS of NSXs. I've discussed sales and prices with HUNDREDS of owners, both before and after they have bought and sold. I base my opinions on price and marketability on that experience, and what those who have tried buying and selling have encountered in the marketplace - NOT on what kind of car I would personally prefer. Whereas you seem to overvalue modded cars (which you prefer) compared with what I have seen them go for in the market.
Like I said, we never agree. I personally think this car is worth 48K (if properly maintained). You personally don't. I like the mods, you don't. Simple as that.

In reality, this car is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
NetViper said:
Like I said, we never agree. I personally think this car is worth 48K (if properly maintained). You personally don't. I like the mods, you don't. Simple as that.
No, it's NOT as simple as that. Apparently you didn't even read my post! The difference is this: You like the mods, so you think the car is worth a lot of money. I've seen cars with similar mods sell for less than a stock car would, so I think the car is worth less money than you do. It has nothing to do with what I like and what I don't like!

There are also mods that DO increase a car's market value, and if this car had them, I would estimate a higher market value for it (even if I don't choose to put them on my own car). It doesn't, and I don't.

NetViper said:
In reality, this car is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
Which, apparently, is $37,302.
nsxtasy said:
Which, apparently, is $37,302.

I would buy this car tomorrow (if maintained) for 37000. So would almost anyone here looking for a NSX I would think.
Well, this sounds like a car that is worth just about what I offered...haha

I think 37K is a good price for this car so that is what I'm going to offer. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being cheap but I still have to account for shipping costs, etc.

I know many of you are NSX owners thus you value your car highly as would I. Not to play devil's advocate but whenever we buy, we are looking for the lowest price and whenever we sell, we are looking for the highest price. That is totally normal :)

Thus I think NetViper said it best, this car or any car for that matter is worth whatever someone wants to pay for it!

Also looking at a few other 97's and 2002's so I will keep everyone updated! Again thanks for the opinions!

NetViper said:
In reality, this car is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
More appropriately, what the car ends up selling for, which IMHO will be quite much more than 37k. I too would but it tomorrow for 37K, if properly maintained, and provided I was in the market.
For a slight variation (instead of beating a dead horse)... The question I'd like to address is: What do we mean when we say that a car is worth $XX,XXX?

What I mean is, this is the price at which this and similar cars can be fairly easily bought, and at which this and similar cars can be fairly easily sold. "Fairly easily bought" means that if you spent a few weeks browsing the ads on the Internet and elsewhere, you could find a similar car and buy it for that price (IOW not asking price, but actual purchase price, excluding taxes or shipping). "Fairly easily sold" means that if you posted it on various Internet sites, you would be able to find a buyer within a few weeks. Those prices might not be identical, but they will usually be within a few thousand dollars of each other, enough to estimate a price range as descriptive of the car's value.

There are a couple of caveats here. One can be found in the phrase "this and similar cars". When a car is very unique in some way - some combination of condition, mods, mileage, etc - there may be no similar cars, so that it's difficult to come up with an estimate. vintagecarman's recent sale, a highly-modded car with unusually high mileage, is a good example of that. It's just too difficult to find similar cars and figure out what they typically sell for.

Another caveat is with regard to the "fairly easily" part. The faster you need to close a transaction, the more the prices can vary. If you're selling a car that's worth $40K (just picking a round number here), but you need to sell it within three days, you might need to lower your price to $35-37K in order to find a buyer quickly. Same thing for a potential buyer who is looking for a car that ought to be worth $40K; he might find one within a few days where he has to pay $43-45K, and might need to keep looking a lot longer to find one for $40K.

A further caveat is that this is a matter of statistical probabilities. Maybe a car is worth $40K according to the above definition. That doesn't mean that it's impossible to buy one for less or sell one for more. Maybe a seller isn't too familiar with the market, and asks less than the car is worth. Maybe a buyer comes along who isn't familiar with the market, or who really falls in love with a car and is willing to pay whatever the asking price is. These things happen. But that doesn't mean that similar cars can be "fairly easily" bought or sold at that same price.

So, that's what I mean when I estimate a car's market value. I assume that others mean basically the same thing - but if you don't, or have other comments in this regard, feel free to chime in.
Basically, I look at the year, the mileage, the maintenance (services, clutch, tires) and the Mods. Then I compare it to other cars on ebay,, autotrader, and what is listed for sale on NSX prime.

I consider I/H/E to be a bonus and I would be willing to pay a little extra for them. I know how much they cost and I know how much the install is.

Aftermarket clutches I do not consider a bonus. To me it is an unknown because: a) I like the stock clutch b) I have no idea what the feel of this clutch will be. If it is like exeddy, I would rather jump off a bridge than drive that in traffic. All things considered, I would probably rather buy a car the OEM clutch. That said, I might consider paying a little more if the clutch was just replaced as we all know how much they cost. Same with major services. 15K, 30K etc etc. If a car has not had the water pump and timing belt replaced, I would offer 2K less than asking if I knew it needed to be done in the next 6 months.

I like OEM wheels, so I would rather have those. Most aftermarket wheels I see, I don't really care for. So I would not pay anything more for that.

I would also not pay any extra for suspension mod or interior mods. However, I think my seats in my 93 having new leather covers does add value to the car.

Basically, that is how I see it. I judge what it would be worth TO ME. Maybe that is the wrong way to do it.