Sox and Yankees Again

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
Like last year, I have been sleepless at home and at work.
Like last year, it has been a great series. I just hope that both fans are enjoying the series.

Go Sox and Yankees for the great games.

Hopefully, tonight's (Tuesday) game will be rained out so that both teams can get some rest.
And the fans can too. At least last night's game started at a reasonable hour, if they go as long tonight as they did last night, the game wouldn't end until after 2am. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I'll be the there tonight, Go YANKEES!!!
Is it still raining over there?
I wonder if the game will be postponed tonight?
What a bizzare fate these two team have taken!

It was 3-0. Yankees were ready to get as much rest as possible for the World Series. Now, it's 3-3.

I wish both teams best of luck tonight.

Sleepless in Boston
So strange........and how lucky for all those wonderful people selling advertising spots, and other related goods....makes you wonder :confused: :confused:
Wow, what a series!!!

This is like the 49ers/Cowboys rivalry of the 90s. Whoever won that was more important than the Super Bowl.

Congrats Boston. Hey Tiger, you can relax for a few more days. Then more late nights with the World Series coming up this weekend.

Yankee fans, just know that with this loss, it just ensures that next year's team will be even more All-star filled than this year. Randy Johnson anyone?
I'm speechless, but have to get myself ready for the World Series. Both Astros and Cardinals look strong. Their series have been classic as well even though they were somewhat overshadowed by Sox vs Yankees.

It will be a tough fight.

K.O. As a side note, are you Kld? Did you change your userid??? :confused:
That was nuts!!
Pedro should never pitch in Yankee stadium again.
Francona leaves me scratching my head sometimes...but he is getting it done!
Schilling is a tough bastard.
Torre is so classy.
Matsui is scary at the plate.
Ortiz is scarier...if that man stared at me the way he does at those pitchers, I would run, thanking God that he is slow.

I was in NY watching game 6 in a small towny bar in Uniondale, I made the mistake of telling someone that I was a Sox fan...well they only got really beligerant once. Slightly veddy, veddy quiet...
JPS Europa said:
That was nuts!!
Ortiz is scarier...if that man stared at me the way he does at those pitchers, I would run, thanking God that he is slow.

Oh ho, didn't you see Ortiz stealing the base on game 5? It was safe, but the umpire wrongfully called out? He can run ;)

JPS Europa said:
I was in NY watching game 6 in a small towny bar in Uniondale, I made the mistake of telling someone that I was a Sox fan...well they only got really beligerant once. Slightly veddy, veddy quiet...

For some reason, I thought you were a Yankee fan last year. :eek: :confused: :D
K.O. said:
Wow, what a series!!!

Yankee fans, just know that with this loss, it just ensures that next year's team will be even more All-star filled than this year. Randy Johnson anyone?

Yeah, I see Randy Johnson and Carlos Beltran going to Yankees. George will buy anyone in the market. I won't be surprised if he buys Pedro or D. Lowe, either.

Imagine Jeter, A-Rod, Sheffield, Beltran, and Matsui on the line up... I will pee on my pants if I were a pitcher facing them.
TigerNSX said:
Oh ho, didn't you see Ortiz stealing the base on game 5? It was safe, but the umpire wrongfully called out? He can run ;)

Yes, he was safe...No, he can't run. More like lumbering...

TigerNSX said:
For some reason, I thought you were a Yankee fan last year. :eek: :confused: :D
You have me confused with someone else. I have been a Sox fan since I started following baseball.
JPS Europa said:
You have me confused with someone else. I have been a Sox fan since I started following baseball.

Ouch.. sorry to have offended you like that :D
TigerNSX said:
Yeah, I see Randy Johnson and Carlos Beltran going to Yankees. George will buy anyone in the market. I won't be surprised if he buys Pedro or D. Lowe, either.

Where did buying A.Rod, Shef, Brown, Giambi(SP) ... Get them, $190 million payroll and no World Series.

Sometimes throwing money at a baseball problem does not make a "TEAM".

Anything less than a World Series is a failure for the Yanks. They had great season 100 + wins!!!

RichH said:
Where did buying A.Rod, Shef, Brown, Giambi(SP) ... Get them, $190 million payroll and no World Series.

Sometimes throwing money at a baseball problem does not make a "TEAM".

Anything less than a World Series is a failure for the Yanks. They had great season 100 + wins!!!


Absolutely. Like last year when Marlines, who had substantially low payroll, beat Yankees in the World Series...

Yankees has been losing big games.. Arizona, Anaheim, Florida, and now Boston... I wonder if they are going to be the next ACLS Atlanta Braves ;)
K.O. As a side note, are you Kld? Did you change your userid

Yeah Tiger I changed it. I hope for Boston's fans that they do pull through. I think you guys deserve it even if it will be once per century. Though St. Loius is looking pretty tough at this point. But you can't measure heart on paper.
Red Sox Champs

Red Sox 2004 Champs:

It took them 86 years to figure out good pitching beats good hitting.

What a run: 8 Wins in a row, came back from 0-3 in the ALCS, led every inning in the series, throw in a couple of 4 hitters in the series against that great Cards team.

The Cards and their fans a a classy bunch. Just check out the St. Louis dispatch web site.

Now maybe I can get some sleep.
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It sure is a sad day to be a yankee fan. Unfortunatly after almost 100 years this day has finally happened. As a season ticket holder and loyal fan (borderline narotic) I sit and wait and anticipate spring training!!! Just wait fellow yankee fans BELTRAN, PEDRO, and RANDY JOHNSON will be in pinstripes before you know it!!!