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South Coast Acura

1 February 2007
So Cal
Re: NSX SoCal Monthly meeting is ON! April 5th 2007!!!

Sorry for turning this thread into a saga about me and my car buying but those f****ers did it. They burned me. Or Kevin their used car manager did. Last night he and I were off $500 on price. Before I walked out of there he offered to 'split the difference' of what we were off. I told him I'd sleep on it and call him today. I spoke to him this morning via his cell phone directly. He asked me what I wanted when he picked up. I said I would accept his offer of splitting the difference of what we were off and I said specifically my price X and what he wanted of X + $500 is what we split. We would then settle on X + $250. I even repeated it. We agreed that I would call him this afternoon to confirm a time to come in tomorrow, sign the papers, and get the car. I called him this afternoon and tell him I'd like to confirm a time. He says sure 10am is fine and the price is X + $500. It was like he just wanted to get it out as fast as possible. He then says 'this is my business and I remember exactly what we talked about'. Why does this bullshit always take place? I told him I was very principled and would absolutely walk over the $250. And I have. I've got an MBA from a top U.S. school, have started and sold several businesses, and done far far larger deals than this freakin' car. Why they can't deduce that from a 2 minute conversation with me is astounding. Anyways, I realize it's a bit sensitive as South Coast Acura is where the monthly meetings are but I'm done with them. And if they don't want me or the car I get eventually on their lot for the monthly meetings for merely stating EXACTLY what happened, that is their prerogative.

Thanks and Peace
Re: NSX SoCal Monthly meeting is ON! April 5th 2007!!!

Sorry for turning this thread into a saga about me and my car buying but those f****ers did it. They burned me. Or Kevin their used car manager did. Last night he and I were off $500 on price. Before I walked out of there he offered to 'split the difference' of what we were off. I told him I'd sleep on it and call him today. I spoke to him this morning via his cell phone directly. He asked me what I wanted when he picked up. I said I would accept his offer of splitting the difference of what we were off and I said specifically my price X and what he wanted of X + $500 is what we split. We would then settle on X + $250. I even repeated it. We agreed that I would call him this afternoon to confirm a time to come in tomorrow, sign the papers, and get the car. I called him this afternoon and tell him I'd like to confirm a time. He says sure 10am is fine and the price is X + $500. It was like he just wanted to get it out as fast as possible. He then says 'this is my business and I remember exactly what we talked about'. Why does this bullshit always take place? I told him I was very principled and would absolutely walk over the $250. And I have. I've got an MBA from a top U.S. school, have started and sold several businesses, and done far far larger deals than this freakin' car. Why they can't deduce that from a 2 minute conversation with me is astounding. Anyways, I realize it's a bit sensitive as South Coast Acura is where the monthly meetings are but I'm done with them. And if they don't want me or the car I get eventually on their lot for the monthly meetings for merely stating EXACTLY what happened, that is their prerogative.

Thanks and Peace

Well, is $250 that big of a deal on a car that is going to cost you over $60 K?

The reason I ask you this is because I remember you were getting a hell of deal on a 2004 car that has a brand new clutch in it.

Since I have been in the car business before, I know the dealer will not walk a deal if it is do-able.

As for the method of business, SCA has always took care of me, from my purchase, warrantee repair and plus some, and amount of discount on parts.

I would like to think if the deal is off by within $1000 on a car in that price range, it shouldn't stop you from getting the car.

The questions are:

Is that the color of your choice?
Is the Mileage acceptable?
Is the car within your condition guideline?
If your answer is "yes" for all of the above
Why is $250 bucks going to prevent you from buying it?

KBB for 2004 NSX with 20k miles:
Suggested Retail: $75585
Private Party Excellent: $70975:
Private Party Good: $67640
Private Party Fair: $62990
Trade In Excellent: $66575
Trade In Good $63445
Trade In Fair: $57790

I don’t know the whole detail, but judging by the KBB value, you’re getting a deal that was more than fair. If I got the numbers correctly.

Check this out. $250 is like the difference between the same Taitec exhaust between SOS and Dali. And those items only cost $1500 bucks-ish… And you are dealing in the $60k range.
Re: NSX SoCal Monthly meeting is ON! April 5th 2007!!!

Thanks for the support guys.

Vance, you have to understand it ain't the $250 at all. It could be $50 and I would walk. It's called integrity. It's called ethics. It's called doing what's right. The whole bait 'em and switch 'em once they're emotionally attached or otherwise too far into the deal is such an old and obvious shady BS business practice it's not worth discussing. Car dealers have the reputation they do because they frequently deploy this and similar tactics. I've no idea of SCA's reputation otherwise but I will not reward unethical behavior (lying) by doing businees with them.

Re: NSX SoCal Monthly meeting is ON! April 5th 2007!!!

I have read all the replys in this particular post and wanted to offer my thougts. I had a not so good attempt at purchasing a car from this dealer about a year or two ago. The new RL had just come out and my parents needed a new car. So we went to the dealer (because we have our meets there and I have met one of the owners Matt in the past). We ended up being off by about $1000. The car had dealer added goodies that we did not want. My parents are in their 80s. The sales manager (I believe the same one that has been there for a while) was unwilling to move at all. He let us walk out, when in fact my father was ready to sign. I then visited the Tustin Acura and asked if I could buy a new RL at MSRP without adding a bunch of stuff. He said yes, and we checked to see if the color was available. I told him I would go get my parents. On the way to the dealer we stopped off at Lexus (I had purchased a new GS400 when they first came out from this dealer) We looked at the LS430 and my parents thought it looked less complex so they decided to buy it. I went back and thanked the Acura Dealer for being so nice. So the bottom line is you have to be true to yourself first and foremost. A car is just a car, and I love my NSX

Car salespeople can be great as well flakes. I have met a number of really good people, unfortuniately the majority are not always the most ethical in their tactics. As a consultant I have taught sales courses and even have a Chevy sales course in which various tactics are discussed on how to get the sale. The stuff is straight out of the Fuller Brush Sales Pitch. It is really sad in a way. But that is how a lot of salespeople learn their trade. What you really want is a consultive sales approach where the salesperson tries to match your needs with what they can provide. Negotiation does not require unethical tactics.

Several years ago I tried to buy a GS400 used from a Cadillac Dealer. We came to a price and there was about a 250 difference. The manger would not move and so I declined and thanked the salesperson and began to leave. The salesperson ran out to the car and said ok please come back in and lets make it happen. So I parked and came in only to have the sales manger tell me the same price held. I told him the only reason I came back in was because of the salesman's request. So again I got into the car to leave. The salesman stopped me again and said we can do this. After the first time I thought to myself how many times will this guy stop me to only have the manger refuse my offer. We did it about 4 more times. Bottom line the Salesmanger was playing top dog and didn't really care if he sold the car. He wanted to prove to me that he was in control. I couldn't believe it but that is what you often run into. This can really become an ego game. So bottom line if you still want the car, I would contact Matt and tell him your story. Give him one chance to make it happen. I would ask him to have someone else handle the sale so you don't have to work with the salesmanger. Otherwise know that you will find a car that you love.

Re: NSX SoCal Monthly meeting is ON! April 5th 2007!!!

I really appreciate the support and opinions you all have offered. This support and sense of community around this forum def adds to the great experience of owning these cars.

In the end, from a purely economical standpoint, I lost. I wasted most of my day today finding another car. It was certainly not worth $250 I walked from. However, I have a signed agreement in my hand for another car. '03 with 19k miles, near flawless, and delivered to me for $2,250 less than I was gonna pay for the '04 with 20k miles and the new clutch. (the new clutch meant squat as all it meant is whoever owned the car before did too many hard launches or couldn't drive properly). Granted I wasted most of my day today and it required lots of phone calls and some negotiation but it's done. In the past I've been burned in negotiations and have had to suck up others poor/dishonest behavior. However, those deals were unique and/or large where it genuinely was not worth losing the deal. For me this was a very simple decision and required zero time to make. These cars are production cars afterall. They're out there...

As far as going to the district Acura folks, it's a good idea and one I would absolutely undertake if prime did not have a relationship with SCA. I undertook such a letter writing campagin about 10 years ago after turning in a leased Ford van. The GM gave me so much grief and slime-ball tactics I wrote letters starting at the district level all the way up through 2 VPs and to the President of Ford. Apparently that dude had other issues in his file cuz' he no longer sells Fords. It wasn't my letter alone but rather a concerted effort of other people taking the time to call him out. Anyway, this is going to be my fifth Acura (2nd NSX) and I understand how important customer relations is with Honda. I'm sure I could get some resolution in going that route but in dealing with SCA I've just chosen to take my business elsewhere.

Also, I spoke to the folks above the Used Car Mgr (Kevin) immediately after it happened and didn't get an iota of sympathy so I quickly moved on.

Last, as far as 'tar and feathering' SCA, I'll stay clear from doing much more than I've done in this thread. I've stated the facts and I'll let them speak for themselves.

Thanks again to all. It's late and I gotta stop thinking about cars for awhile...

Peace and Happy Easter
Re: NSX SoCal Monthly meeting is ON! April 5th 2007!!!

I just read the post about Jimsx's buying experience with the used car salespeople at SCA and it reminded me about my own NSX buying experience years ago. The used car manager at SCA said that he would not let me drive the car without a deposit and was a complete a*&hole about the whole thing despite my near perfect credit and considerable income. I ended up buying my NSX a couple days later from another source. On a separate buying experience at Tustin Lexus a couple of years ago, I was shopping for a used LX470 for my wife. We found the perfect one on the front line of the lot with a sale price tag that showed a number pretty close to what I was willing to pay, so we took it for a test drive and went to the sales office to finalize the paperwork. Now for the king of all bait and switches...once we got down to the price negotiation the salesman said that the price tag was in error and it was actually supposed to be on a vehicle that was two years older with 10,000 more miles (despite the price tag showing the correct vehicle reference). Needless to say, I was furious and made a bit of a scene in front of the customers and general manager. I walked out with the salesman begging me to come back and negotiate off the higher price (which was $10K higher than the price tag). Bought the same year and better equipped LX470 a couple of weeks later for the price that I wanted from another seller. Bottom line, I trust dealers about as much as mattress salesmen, and that isn't much. I won't even mention my first new car purchase from a Toyota dealer in the Sacramento area (it is also a "funny" story). I completely agree with Jimsx's walk away over $250, and it isn't the money, it is a stand that you have to take. I will be looking for a used 360 in the near term, but will probably avoid any dealers unless someone out there has a reliable source. Enough of my rant, now back to work.
I will definetley second this motion. A couple of weeks ago, my wife was looking for an '07 TSX with Navi. E-Mailed every surrounding dealership (Ala carsdirect.com) and said price was about 28K out the door.

The sales ladies, Tracy Ch** and Kim Ng****, had verbally contacted me on various occasions saying they will beat my best price by $400.00. Tracy gave me an exact quote of 27*** OTD over the phone. In no shame, I immediately schedule to meet them, with my wife, the following Friday for vehicle inspection and delivery.

We arrived and Kim, Tracy's partner, showed us around as my wife test drove the car. After we got back to the dealership, things turned for the worst. 30mins went by as Kim had to "prepare" the paper work, saying that we need to figure out some numbers. I secretly question myself if I heard her correctly. Thinking this was a VIP experience and the numbers had already been figured out with her partner, Tracy.

Kim shows up with an outrageous (Pull out of her ___) number and says to me, "What will you like to offer?"

Strike 1
me: Kim, I have already agreed upon a price with your partner Tracy.
Kim: I'm sorry but I don't know what number you and Tracy had worked out.
me: She said $27*** OTD
Kim: Ok, I'll take this number back and see what I can do.

Strike 2
(another 30 or so minutes has passed)
Kim: This is what we can do for you, $27*** + TTL, which is about $29**** OTD. We at South Coast Acura have a special "Care" package on all our cars, which includes: Wheel locks, Color matched door trim, Bumper guard, Paint protection. This package is $300.00
Me: Holding back my temper,and in lacking any form of social grace, my face turned red and I was furious. (Having being previously beaten up by 2hrs of LA traffic before I arrived. And this was right after work.)
Kim: Wait, let me get our manager.

Strike 3
(I think his name was Mike, older asian guy)
Mike: Hello, I'm the sales manager guy here at South Coast Acura
Me: (repeat of above)
Mike: Well, I don't know what they said but $29,*** is the best OTD we can do for your car. (turns to wife and says) Did you enjoy driving this vehicle?
Me: I was dumbfounded with Mike's gauche conduct, definitively an awkward moment. He totally disregarded my presence and act as if my previous hour of back and forth meant absolutely nothing to him. I mean, being brusque is one thing, but Mike was a total (A*$).

The night ended as I confined to negative brouhaha at the dealership. In view of the incident, this was minor, I wasted gas and time. But on an ethical level, South Coast Acura is total Bull.

P.S. If South Coast Acura is reading this, I am a happy owner of a 2007 TL which I purchased from Sierra Acura. Not only had I purchased from another dealership, I ended up purchasing a more expensive model too.