Forgive my late posting as I have taken a break from prime. I've had some personal issues come up. Here is my take on the window regulator upgrade. This is solely for advice and not everyone will experience the issues I have.
I received my Oem regulator. Installed it in minutes. Got it from Ironworks Acura shipped for 510$ Brand new, Oem acura dealer with a warranty.....
After installing, the window rolls up in the exact time it takes to roll it down. This is without hype, pulleys, gears, Yada, yada, yada. The price was totally worth it. No headaches. No problems, a warrantied part. Case closed.
There are many here with excellent diy capabilities. I myself do not have the time for such diligence of installation.
From what I gather, and this is only my opinion, after inspecting my regulators, I found that the slider assembly is bent beyond repair. I think it is due to having no support on the window when rolled up such as a frame. Therefore, after 20 years or so of slamming the door shut, it tweaks. I was able to bend mine back into shape, but the whole cable tension thing pushed me to my limit. If you end up ugrading your regulators, I highly recommend having Hugo do it or someone who has taken the task on. After you do one, you "get it" or if you wanna save yourself the trouble. Go Oem, super easy with 100% fixes.
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Bummer. Saw your video as well. I'm all for replacing parts to save time but those things are not cheap!
I'm curious, why did you need to take apart the regulator? What was it to repair? It sounds like the tracks are what were creating the window misalignment.
Mike B
To replace the sliders, you must remove the cables. Therefore, if you fashion a specific tool as seen in the window fix it thingies thread, you will never need to remove the cable wheel assembly. But I tried taking the other route. All good though. Lesson learned. New Oem regulator works without 1 single flaw. Rolls down in 4 seconds, rolls up in 4 seconds.