SOS Coolant Tank

26 March 2003
Tampa, FL
I wish I could have the last 3 hours of my life back while trying to install the SOS Coolant Tank.

I did my homework and read all the posts about the problems & solutions that other people had with getting the lower hose to slide on. Well thanks to the sharp edges on the tank's lower fitting, I'm now left with a sliced coolant hose. Trust me, I lubed the hell out of the fitting with hand soap, and was slowly but surely pushing and twisting the hose onto the oversized inlet. I got it a little more than halfway on and then couldn't get it to go any further. My arms finally gave out and as I was taking everything apart to trash it, I looked inside the hose and saw that the tank fitting was cutting right into it deep down inside.

Now its off to the dealer to get a new hose. Just needed to vent. Thanks SOS for helping me sideline my car. :mad:
NSXROX said:
I wish I could have the last 3 hours of my life back while trying to install the SOS Coolant Tank.

I did my homework and read all the posts about the problems & solutions that other people had with getting the lower hose to slide on. Well thanks to the sharp edges on the tank's lower fitting, I'm now left with a sliced coolant hose. Trust me, I lubed the hell out of the fitting with hand soap, and was slowly but surely pushing and twisting the hose onto the oversized inlet. I got it a little more than halfway on and then couldn't get it to go any further. My arms finally gave out and as I was taking everything apart to trash it, I looked inside the hose and saw that the tank fitting was cutting right into it deep down inside.

Now its off to the dealer to get a new hose. Just needed to vent. Thanks SOS for helping me sideline my car. :mad:
I installed mine in less than 10 minutes with not a single problem... why the hostility at the company who sold it to you?
First, correct the sharp edges that cut into the hose (repair the tank yourself or exchange for a correct one). Then, when you are fitting the new hose, use a heat gun to soften the rubber, and spray inside the hose and the tank fitting with silicone. It should slide right on.
Cut the guy some slack, he just sliced his hose (ouch) and he is a little upset. That doesn't make him a moron; we are not all born with the car mod gene. Hopefully he will have read the posts about the heat gun and silicone spray and the new hose will slide right on and he will be done w/it.
Don't get the factory hoses - get these:


Dali Silicon Hoses

Do it once - do it right!