Soon to be owner....age 20 ^_^

28 December 2003
Hey everyone, I'm new to the forums, but have been reading these things forever now. Within the next few months, i'm actually looking into getting an NSX. I've been researching this beauty for about 4 months now, and obsession is the only word i've got to describe the feelings for it.

How much, with insurance, car payment, maintanence, and gas, do most of you pay a month (of course this is going to vary greatly from person to person).

You can find the answers to most of your questions if you click on the "NSX FAQ" on the bar at the top of the screen that looks like this:


The FAQ has sections on maintenance schedule and cost, gas mileage, etc.

You can also find out additional information by doing a search on these forums, by clicking the button on your screen that looks like this:


including umpteen different topics on insurance costs.
oh, definately a used. i've seen a few black/tan 96's which is what i'm in the market for. i've seen the reports of maintanence costs in the faq...just trying to get a few more opinions.
I pay a grand every month b/c I'm sick of having a car payment..... At the rate I'm going, maybe one day I'll own it outright! :-D