Soon to Be Owner 91 Black/Black Vin JH4NA1155NT000339

8 June 2018
Hi All, I'm picking up my 92 Black/black next week in Milwaukee. Driving back home to RI. My first NSX :biggrin: I always look forward with a mix of fear and excitement to these "bonding with the new car" drives ... wish me luck!

Glad to have this forum as a terrific resource with so many passionate and committed owners! Steve
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Could I ask a favor? Would someone PM Dave5 for me?

I’m new and can’t PM. It appears that he was looking at my (soon to be) car a few years ago in Miami. Would love to talk with him.

I’m srodio AT rodiobrown DOT Com

Did you run carfax? If so did you get the mileage inconsistiances worked out?

Its clear, at least to me, that the inconsistent CarFax entries are clerical/recording errors. I don't have it here, but the context of the 2 entries just made no sense except that they were erroneous. Unfortunately, I guess they can never really be "cleared up" but I'm satisfied that the mileage currently showing is accurate.

Here are the relevant pages from the CarFax, turns out I do have them here

photo 4.jpgphoto 5.jpg

So in March of 97, it has 9k miles, but by December 97, its recorded as 48k, and the following May 76k. Then 10k in May of 99, and consistent entries thereafter.

There seems to be a general lack of enthusiasm here for my new car :smile:

Well I'm pretty enthusiastic! Here she is in beautiful costal Rhode Island

The drive back from Milwaukee was kind of brutal but uneventful. Car ran like a champ. Reminds me a little of my old 2011 Evora, which makes sense. But being a '92, though, more primitive - in a good way - and even more visceral. I'm going to enjoy this car!


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Congratulations and welcome to the owner experience. Lovely looking car! I don't know how long you've been on the site but make sure you acquaint yourself with the NSX Wiki which can be found on the red action bar at the top of most pages. This is an accumulation of old and new topics from over the years but unfortunately its locked down so you won't be able to add anything .. but you'll likely find some good info there. Timing belt needs to be replaced every 9 yrs or 80k miles whichever is less. The NSX has an interference design so bad things happen if a belt lets go .. so plan accordingly. Hopefully you got some good maint records with the car. Otherwise, it's an amazing vehicle and will put a smile on your face every day. Good luck with your ownership experience..
Thanks for the welcomes guys, and thank you NSX2398 for pointing out the "NSX Wiki" button, what a fantastic resource, esp for a new owner! Would probably have never clicked on it without your prompt.

As an aside, among other cars I also own 2 S2000s, so I'm deep into Honda products right now :biggrin:
Can you tell I'm partial to black? LOL

Welcome! Beautiful NSX and S2000. There are a bunch of us here with the S2K/NSX combo, mine is 2003 GPW/91 BB. There's a thread over in the pics and videos forum for pics of owners' S2K and NSX together. Let's see some of yours!
In addition to the NSX Wiki link on the action bar that Ian pointed out, two buttons over is a link to the NSX shop manuals. An even more important asset for an NSX owner unless you managed to score a manual with the purchase of the car.