Soon to be NSX Owner

7 June 2012
Though I currently don't own a NSX, I do own a performance car. I currently own a Stage 3 SRT4 with bolt ons but plan on selling it here shortly and searching for a NSX that is in my price range. I'm still a newbie to these cars but I will be doing my research up until I get one. These cars have always been something I've wanted and can't wait until the day I do finally get one.
Ideally I'd want a mid 90's NSX-T. Doesn't matter on color, but would want it to be manual and have black interior. But honestly, I'd take anyone haha :biggrin:
Anyways, I'll be doing my research so I can become familiar with these cars.
Well you've come to the right place to learn, thats for sure. Make good use of the vast NSK Wiki and the many page of posts, carefully categorized for search function efficiency.