Sony KF60WE610 vs. Samsung HLN617W

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
Ok Home Theater guys, I need some help.

I am sick and tired of SEARS. They have delayed me yet another 2 weeks on my Sony 60" LCD with NO PROMISE of ever getting the TV. I am PISSED. I called circuit city and they can have it next week and have 137 in the warehouse and SEARS cannot get ONE! :mad: I just don't understand this. Now I know why sears is having financial problems...

I think I am just going to get my money back and go somewhere esle. I will probably have to pay about $400 more for the same TV, but at least I will actually get one.

Anyway, I think i am going to say screw the sony and get this Samsung HLN617W. Does anyone own this unit? Any thoughts. I know about the rainbow effect on the DLP, but it sounds like very few people will ever notice it. The unit weights less, has a better picture and is much smaller dimentions..

What do you think?
Sorry to hear your troubles getting the TV! I have the Sony KF60WE610 (bought from Circuit City 9.03) and I love it. If you talk to them about matching competitors prices they will do it, thats what I did because no-one around had them in stock at the time but some had ads of better prices.
I really do like the SONY, but waiting 90 days is completely insane.

I have tried to work CC a little bit. I want the TV for $3499. Best Buy is selling it for that, but they don't have any in the stores and you have to order online only.

The Local store here called BASIC has 3 of them and he wouldnt go any lower than 3695. I said no thanks.

I hate living in a small town!:mad:
I have the Samsung 50" DLP, and I am very happy with it so far (bought right before Christmas 03). Great picture, no glare.

I was going back and forth between the comparable Sony and Panasonic LCD projections, and ended up getting the Samsung when Circuit City offered me a great deal on it (and 18 month free financing also).

Living in an area that has multiple big electronics store chains definitely has its benefits. I was able to play CC against Ultimate Electronics to get the price down.

Maybe you need to dedicate some time on the weekend to go to the nearest city with multiple big stores, and work them.

Have you checked out the new LG Electronics/Zenith 52" and 60" LCD rear projection sets? Zenith P/N for the 52" is D52WLCD Check "Froogle" I can't decide between LCD or DLP?
I have not looked at Zenith. I have not heard any good things about them. I heard the RCA DLP was not very nice.

DLP is better technology than LCD, but it also costs more and has the spinning color wheel.

I am going to call Sears and see what they will do about this one..
I like the Hitachi 50V500 50" LCD Rear Projection. (Also available in 60") I found its picture quality to be superior to the Panasonic and Regular (non-Grand) Sony WEGA LCD models, as have others (but by no means everyone).

The Samsung DLPs are also nice, but a more expensive for comparable sizes.
Re: Televisions

wswen said:
I think I decided to get the Samsung 46" DLP HLN467W from this internet site. Good Idea or bad???? Their price sure is inexpensive. What do you guys think?

I am a little worried about buying from stores like that.

Make sure you find out the return policy etc. has great prices, but if you have any problems with the TV, they wont help. You have to deal with the manufacturer... which I hear is a bitch..

I have the Sammy 50" DLP. The Sam adds Faroudja processing to help clean up the picture. Not sure if the Sony does that. The rainbow effect is not really noticable. I see it sometimes when I am really tired and blink my eyes at just the right speed. The picture on the Sam is great. The Sony is outstanding too and personally I can't tell the difference when they are fed by a high quality video source (like DVD or HDTV). On SDTV signals I think the Sam does a really good job and even looks almost as sharp as a tube TV (depending on broadcast). Read Samsung DLP Takes the Crown for info on the Sammy DLP.