Sony Copy Protected CDs

Goodbye Sony

A couple of interesting links:

Wired article: The Civil War Inside Sony
Forbes article: The Pride That Killed Sony

Sony is not the same hip company it once was. It's a company gripped by fear (of piracy). Its products have become common commodities, and it relies on styling (instead of technical innovation) to differentiate itself from the crowd. People no longer go ga-ga for the brand like they used to, although Sony still tries to charge the same premium. :rolleyes:

It's little wonder Sony is hurting. As long as it continues to treat its consumers like criminals and cripples its products, people will never warm up to them when better alternatives are readily available. I used to be an avid Sony fan and early adopter of the Minidisc, but now I avoid proprietary Sony products like the plague. BTW, my minidisc collection was replaced by MP3s a long time ago.
I hate Sony and the image they give... I never buy any SOny products. That's why I have an XBOX (many people feel the same against M$, I do not...), an Infocus projecot, a Thomson and a Panasonic TV, a Yamaha subwoofer and DTS receiver, Canton and Infinity loudspeakers, ... the last things I bought from them was a Discman in 1993! :D

They are so expensive for the poor-medium quality they offer!