Something under my seat noise

26 November 2002
Cleveland, OH, 44136
Whenever I make a left turn I hear this coin/heck I dont know what it is rolling under my seat. Then when I make a right it rattles to the other side. I have moved the seat all the way forward and back to find nothing. The seat funtions as it should. Is the seat easy to take out and inspect for loose things that may be under there? Anyone ever had this?
It's easy to remove the seat. Two bolts in front (angled down into the frame) and two in the rear (not angled, they go straight down). You will have to remove the plastic plugs over the rear bolts to access them. Remove all 4 then tip the seat up and look under it. If you want to remove the seat from the car [1] undo the wire harness for the electric motors and [2] put a thick terrycloth towel on your sill so you don't scratch it. Let us know what you find.
You should be able to reach anything rolling around under your seat without having to remove the seat.