something funny! a tatoo!


I went to PiTT Univ, hehe...& I had a few peerz who may have sought the services of the derma-artist; namely- the tatooist. :D

S-U-C-K-E-R-Z. . .

oh yea- that joint is a gr8 eat, no lie!
“All these preppy sorority girls and suburban rich boys think they’re so cool ‘cause they have a tattoo with Japanese characters. But it doesn’t mean shit to them!” Sakai said. “The dumbasses don’t even realize that I’ve written ‘slut’ or ‘pervert’ on their skin!”

I call BS...Who says dumbasses in their articles?
I wonder how long it too for the the girl to realize something was wrong... or if it was normal for strange Japanese guys to approach her with money. :D