Someone Trying to Make a Buck on a 96-T - Auto - Just a Heads Up

True story, I was just about to post this up as I was searching my daily all CL search. So frustrating

BTW Here is the VIN for it: jh4na1288tt000292

I emailed the first ad originally to get more info on it
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Yup, I think the guy is out of his league and has no idea how closely the NSX market is "monitored" by the owners and enthusiasts out there. Not to mention ... I would like to see this "newer body NSX" he has his eye on :tongue:.
I agree and openly admit that the thought crossed my mind to pick up a second one when I first saw the Houston ad. What got me was the asking price and his "story" for why he is selling.

Cant really fault the guy... but a 25k payday is ambitious.
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Wow... he's looking to make a killing if it sells for what he's asking. But on the flip side, why did the original guy sell it for $15K? If there is truly nothing wrong with it, $15K is a killer deal. If I had seen that earlier, I would have bought it just as a daily driver for that price!!!
The seller is probably cursing you for bringing this to the attention of potential buyers. However, $15K is a killer bargain even with the stated problems. $25K payoff is far fetched, but $5-10K is possible. Ask the same price or something close to what he/she got it for and if he/she says you're 'f*cking crazy' then send him a snap shot of the original ad.. =P

Glad the real seller chimed in and saved us all the heartache of depreciation. I've seen some pretty low priced NSX's in the past and only a few were public sales. Still, chances of a great deal are out there and there is nothing wrong with updating/upgrading. Also, no fault to the seller for making money off an opportunity. This happens everyday and anything is worth what the next buyer is willing to pay. Be safe and enjoy the ride.
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Cant really fault the guy... but a 25k payday is ambitious.

Can't fault the guy?? You guys make me laugh. If he happened to be a dealer, he'd be a complete criminal. How come a dealer trying to make a couple of grand on a car is a slimebag, and this private person is just ambitious?!
Can't fault the guy?? You guys make me laugh. If he happened to be a dealer, he'd be a complete criminal. How come a dealer trying to make a couple of grand on a car is a slimebag, and this private person is just ambitious?!

my original statement was more related to i cant fault him for flipping it... and saying ambitious was my way of being polite about his asking price.
Hello fellas! I am the owner of the automatic, introduced myself a long while ago in the new owner section. While I would love to entertain the original poster and the cheer-leading staff but I'm a poor man that works hard for his toys so I'll just summarize. What you are seeing in the texas craigslist listing is a scam listing. Go ahead e-mail them and see what response you get and see if they ask you to send your money out to some country or some military base. I did not buy my car from Texas or from a craigslist listing and i just clicked on the listing and it was created 12 days ago when I have purchased it way before that. I couldn't recall the date but I pulled up the ebay listing where I purchased it, you can see the date of when the listing ended.

So after I went to pick it up turns out the battery was on its way out and I ended up doing a couple of other things till i was finally able to get it home to New York City from HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS, not no texas and not any other state. I had to ship out the 2 piece wheels and after all was said and done Flight and hotel and meals for 2, registration, I ended up paying 33K.

So i'm sorry for not being the peter pan of NSX owners and buying something for 15k and selling to the next owner for 16k, ignoring the value of this car to benefit someone else in this world. I based my price off of KBB, NADA, recent ebay postings, legit craigslist listings and many other sources to come up with my asking price. It did not come out of my ass and I really don't get the rest of you owners of this site. I've been been a member of for YEARS since like 2004 and I'm not looking to scam or be a crook and I would say I am a respected member of that forum community. I try to base my judgement of prices from several sources before I ask for anything.

I am very curious though, IF I did buy the NSX for 15k why in the world would you want me to resell it at anywhere near that price, you guys are all so concerned about your NSX value why would you want an NSX in the market at a market price that would de-value the worth of the NSX and start giving the general public concern and an idea that the NSX will be worth nothing eventually. You guys make no damn sense. I was about to join NSX club but if this is the stance in this community I might be backing off, thankfully to a legend friend of mine that lurks in this forum I was able to catch this post and he is right, you guys seem to be a weird bunch.

If you want receipts, bank statements to back off my posting I'll post it because I do indeed have my eye on a newer body NSX before i get attached to this one and the last thing I need is this so called "NSX community" on its own sabotaging my listing.
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If you read the whole thread you will see one of the wonderful things about the NSX community, a wide diversity of opinions and often vigorous disagreements, yet still a level of respect maintained for one another above and beyond what you might find in other car communities. Usually we have a better scam-sensor for fraudulent postings like the one with pictures of your car for $15k - I'm surprised no one caught that.

Now, what's this EPS recall you wrote about in your ad? I also have a 96 and wonder if I should be taking it to the dealer for anything sooner rather than later...
Acura Service Bulletin # 99-028,applies to 1995-96 NSX-ALL <~~ That's the number of the service bulletin, i have it saved at home, i'll try to attach it later on, or maybe you can find it online, I was able to find it using the search function in this forum.

Willing to call a spade a spade and it appears as though I stand corrected as I have no reason not to take your word for it. That being said, I had an individual reach out to help set up a PPI for the car as listed in the Houston ad and, based on my interactions and the information provided by the purported seller, I had no reason to believe that it was not legit especially since one similar to that was listed in Austin, TX just a couple weeks back in the same ballpark $-wise. Good luck selling.

Hello fellas! I am the owner of the automatic, introduced myself a long while ago in the new owner section. While I would love to entertain the original poster and the cheer-leading staff but I'm a poor man that works hard for his toys so I'll just summarize. What you are seeing in the texas craigslist listing is a scam listing. Go ahead e-mail them and see what response you get and see if they ask you to send your money out to some country or some military base. I did not buy my car from Texas or from a craigslist listing and i just clicked on the listing and it was created 12 days ago when I have purchased it way before that. I couldn't recall the date but I pulled up the ebay listing where I purchased it, you can see the date of when the listing ended.
Hello fellas! I am the owner of the automatic, introduced myself a long while ago in the new owner section. While I would love to entertain the original poster and the cheer-leading staff but I'm a poor man that works hard for his toys so I'll just summarize. What you are seeing in the texas craigslist listing is a scam listing. Go ahead e-mail them and see what response you get and see if they ask you to send your money out to some country or some military base. I did not buy my car from Texas or from a craigslist listing and i just clicked on the listing and it was created 12 days ago when I have purchased it way before that. I couldn't recall the date but I pulled up the ebay listing where I purchased it, you can see the date of when the listing ended.

So after I went to pick it up turns out the battery was on its way out and I ended up doing a couple of other things till i was finally able to get it home to New York City from HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS, not no texas and not any other state. I had to ship out the 2 piece wheels and after all was said and done Flight and hotel and meals for 2, registration, I ended up paying 33K.

So i'm sorry for not being the peter pan of NSX owners and buying something for 15k and selling to the next owner for 16k, ignoring the value of this car to benefit someone else in this world. I based my price off of KBB, NADA, recent ebay postings, legit craigslist listings and many other sources to come up with my asking price. It did not come out of my ass and I really don't get the rest of you owners of this site. I've been been a member of for YEARS since like 2004 and I'm not looking to scam or be a crook and I would say I am a respected member of that forum community. I try to base my judgement of prices from several sources before I ask for anything.

I am very curious though, IF I did buy the NSX for 15k why in the world would you want me to resell it at anywhere near that price, you guys are all so concerned about your NSX value why would you want an NSX in the market at a market price that would de-value the worth of the NSX and start giving the general public concern and an idea that the NSX will be worth nothing eventually. You guys make no damn sense. I was about to join NSX club but if this is the stance in this community I might be backing off, thankfully to a legend friend of mine that lurks in this forum I was able to catch this post and he is right, you guys seem to be a weird bunch.

If you want receipts, bank statements to back off my posting I'll post it because I do indeed have my eye on a newer body NSX before i get attached to this one and the last thing I need is this so called "NSX community" on its own sabotaging my listing.

No hard feelings Mr. X. I don't think anyone was calling you a crook or a scammer. We just all commented on the fact that if you bought it for $15K and selling it for $40K, you would have made out with 166% profit. Most of us were probably jealous if those were indeed the correct numbers. But as I had mentioned in my post, that $15K was too good to be true. I was suspicious that anyone could have bought that NSX at $15K. Glad that you chimed in and solved the mystery. Anyways, good luck on your sale and let us know when you get a newer one! :-)
Hummm, I have read numerous times speculations regarding our cars appreciating and now I run into this thread and think "wow, this is proof that they are increasing in price (based on the CL add)"and then I read some of the comments on this thread stating that the seller is making to much money and that the seller whom presumably purchased it for 15k should just sell it for +5-10 :biggrin:, so I guess our cars should be sold based on the purchased price of the current owner or should it be based on current price and as some have mentioned on other threads ("prices are increasing on these cars"), oh by the way I am in no shape or form interested in a response for me personally as if I was to sell I would just search for comparable item on the market and price it accordingly. :confused:Not.
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LOL example,

buy a hammer from home depot for 5.00
put hammer in a shoebox your wife made pretty with lace and sprinkles of glitter
rename the hammer to "Glitter Hammer"
add price of fuel to get to home depot, add price of glitter and glue, and the shoe box

now you have a 130 dollar Glitter hammer. but that's OK cuz its worth more to you so your tring to sell it to the first moron that walks up for 600.

this thread is stupid just like my story
LOL example,

buy a hammer from home depot for 5.00
put hammer in a shoebox your wife made pretty with lace and sprinkles of glitter
rename the hammer to "Glitter Hammer"
add price of fuel to get to home depot, add price of glitter and glue, and the shoe box

now you have a 130 dollar Glitter hammer. but that's OK cuz its worth more to you so your tring to sell it to the first moron that walks up for 600.

this thread is stupid just like my story

Exactly !!! You nailed it Shawn! :smile:
Not trying to stir up the hornets nest here but 40k is high for an automatic.. Your car though, glws

like I have mentioned before I am selling my Glitter Hammer based off several sources, and I did put that it was an automatic, I guess I'll have to screenshoot and post it here. It seems like you guys are your own demise. weird... I would be flattered if auto sources are supposedly raising the value of the car you all drive.

Very Good Private Sale (automatic) - $39|true|316941|true&pricetype=private-party

Nada Average Retail - $38,5

Hagerty May 2014 - $42,7 Condition 3

Ebay - 1996 Automatic - $50K

Craigslist (around my area) - 93 NSX $38k

91 - 48k

All that besides the fact that you never get your asking price from a posting, it's always a best offer type of thing. I don't understand the hunger of getting a deal off an NSX that all of sudden just because I bought my "hammer" below market price that I must be obligated to sell under current market price.

There must be alot of social activists in here. :tongue:
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The proof will be in a thorough ppi and personal inspection.Through the years we have seen some folks offer low prices for cars due to many personal reasons.....I'm still confused about this thread.
Did we just witness the coining of the phrase "Glitter Hammer" haha, good one Shawn!

Soon there will be a show on HGTV similar to American Pickers, with new pickers looking for glitter hammers to sell
I'm still confused about this thread.

As you should be :smile:. As the one who started it, the circumstances ended up not being what I thought. But even if they were, as an owner I should be cheering -X- all the way along hoping he gets every penny he's asking. Stupid post - lesson learned. In the future I will try to contribute better material ... Like glitter hammers :smile:.