Someone scamming Gelato's car

That eerily sounds like a description written by a prime member.
Farging bastages.:frown:
This sounds fun... i'm going to bid it up if you guys want to jump in
im the highest bidder at 15,100

its someone elses turn.... i say we get it up to 250k
This listing was ended by the seller because the item was sold.
no, my bids were cancelled. The scammer might be reading this thread.
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I tell you, from the description, sounds like he is most definiitely on the forum. Idk how someone lives with themselves stealing other people's money in some sort of scam. I hope he is reading this and want to tell you that of are a dick. Thinks he is smarter than everyone else and so then it's fine to take someone's money who is "dumb". That's usually the mentality. I hope they wind up in jail.

Thing is members here come and go. They don't get to see what happened 5 years ago. I already know of at least one dude who is a fairly regular poster here who was caught red handed pulling a scam on a supercharger. This is besides the scam that was pulled on you with the turbo. And they still come on here, post, buy parts, sign up for group buys, sell stuff, as if nothing had happened.
I think we got up to 1.5 million before doing this on prime it was so freaking funny the scammer was like holy sh_t payday LOL

then Ebay canceled all the bids they watch when they go over a certain ammount just like when you wire a large ammount of money they have a switch board and the flag it.
Its actually really sad. My heart goes out for people like this. Just seems like lots of people are out for themselves. They dont care who they have step on, scam, or cheat. For a monitary gain. Thats not what life is about, I feel bad for you.
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ive seen this a few times here in there around various industries/circles.

some ppl are just complete morons; very sad actually.

the vin number and lack of searchable specifics was a dead giveaway that the post was a scam; but ive noticed a lot more scams lately have better more detailed posts.

I already know of at least one dude who is a fairly regular poster here who was caught red handed pulling a scam on a supercharger. This is besides the scam that was pulled on you with the turbo. And they still come on here, post, buy parts, sign up for group buys, sell stuff, as if nothing had happened.
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I reported it as fraudulent and it has been removed. Rather than jerking around the seller by shill bidding it people should report these listings to avoid someone getting scammed.
this is the tip of the iceberg as far as scumos/scamos assaulting prime everyday.This is part of the reason that Lud has had to maintain certain security features on prime to at least allow those honest amongst us to function.....that is why the cries of "we are all adults,we can police ourselves" falls on deaf ears. What also helps is the hard work of folks like rso who inhibit repeat offenders.
prob a vin from someone else car.

the NSX world is a small one this is one car they cant mess with

let get'em guys
Reported to eBay.

Reporting Category: Listing practices

Reason for Report: Fraudulent listing activities

Detailed Reason: You suspect that a listing is fradulent

Item number: 170921877129
I just started bidding up 2600 dollars LOL

everytime i bid it went up by 10 dollars

guys wanna try and bid it up to 6.5 mill

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