someone recomend me a traffic ticket lawyer .....

17 June 2009
Chino ;)
Yea, So Im still looking into everything. Long story short as many know me my luck has been.....not so great this and only this year. Got a very very minor accident in the black nsx and I wanted to pay out of pocket the 900 ish bucks, but lady was a b&*ch. Then totaled the nsx a few months later from it hydroplaning off the road. Needless to say that now I got this blue nsx and got a speeding ticket the day I got her. Cop said I was doing 81 mph in a 55 mph zone, so he haddddd to put it at 26 mph over. I was going to pay it and live with the cost but the agent for my insurance says the underwriter will drop me if it goes on there. Tomorrow I'm going to speak with another insurance rep from the same company and possibly switch to her unless an underwriter is an under writer in which case i need this ticket gone. Can anyone recommend me a good traffic lawyer. Called one today, cost was about $1250, not sure if that is high or low. But if anyone has personal experience with anyone, please share.

On another note, this will not resort in me selling the NSX (sorry les, I still have to be able to beat you)
Any reason you can't go to traffic school to get the speeding ticket off your record?

BTW You still can't beat me even with the "Blue Bomber":wink:
Any speeding violation in CA over 25mph above the speed limit will not automatically allow you to take traffic school. You will have to schedule a court date to go in and ask the judge for traffic school. Usually they will grant it, but not always.

You can typically schedule your court date either on-line or go to the traffic court clerk on or before your notice to appear date. Just go extra early as there's typically a long line these days. Good luck!
get an extension and then schedule a court date... i had a traffic ticket that was back in jan and the next available court date is feb 2012 :) the cop wont remember. (hopefully)
Yea, cause cop was mean, thus i was over by 1 mph :( it seems i will more than likely be paying a lawyer lol. I cant really afford to fight it and loose :(