somebody spat on my car WTF!

17 May 2002
Brooklyn, NYC
There I am minding my own business and cruising alone cuz fiance is sleeping with her mommy. I then see the Baskin Robbins on 4th Avenue and turn in. I am on the fone with my fiance...I am very vulnerable at this time and proceeded to parking the car not realizing there were a bunch of teenagers in a red sedan. one of them went behind my car and I think he went to pi or something...then I left my car and went near the entrance and looked at my car and saw the same ahole go back to his red car....I went in got my $4 dollar very strawberrry smoothie come out and look at my rims and how beautiful the car sits on the parking lot and the closer I get I see on my winshield what appears to be bird droop...but when I saw carefully it was flem and spit all on my roof, windshield and driver side window. I was very PISSED and wanted to kill them! and I wanted to chase those fuk'en a'holes and teach them a lesson. if ur going to spit on my car spit in front of me don't be such a pussy coward! Anyway, I rushed home almost spilling my smoothie inside the leather seats. got h20 and soap and washed my car all up...and it was all waxed up too. Why do ppl do that? is it because they know they'll grow up to flip burgers at BK or Mickey D's and will never afford such a beautiful car and exotic as an NSX? Lucky my car was not scratched or keyed. I learned my lesson. I will never leave my baby unattended. I should've known better than to park next to those fuk'en renegade kids! has this happened to anybody else?

[This message has been edited by madfast (edited 13 December 2002).]
This is another thread that talks about spit...

Sorry to hear what happened to you. However, consider yourself lucky that they didn't kick a dent in your car.

Console yourself that there are worse things to worry about in life. And with the fact that those @$$holes don't drive a NSX, you do

[This message has been edited by NSX_Dreamer (edited 13 December 2002).]
Sorry to hear about your incident. I am paranoid about leaving my car unattended too because of crap like this. Someone spat on my friend's Maxima once while we were inside Blockbuster Video. Actually, I think they were drunk and threw up on the car. It was the only car in the parking lot too, and of course they had to pull up next to it.

I guess those punks just have no respect for other people's property
this has to be the fifth case of NSX spitting so far...what's the deal with people randomply spitting on NSXs? I guess I'd rather have my car spit on that something worse though, but geez...

Sorry about that, I can relate to how that must feel.

Too bad you couldn't have hurled your 4$ smoothie at their heads with full force. If the car door was still open that would have been choice...but then again...all that may have done was invite worse than a spitting. Oh well...

[This message has been edited by scottjua (edited 13 December 2002).]
That's what car washes are for.
Hey guys,
Stuff like this really gets to me. I have been dealing with these issues since I was 16 (when I bought my first nsx). I can't stand it. I have been working since I was 11 years old, over 50 hours a week and still going to school for what? So, a little punk kid can go and disrespect my pride and joy and take away what I have worked so hard for and what I have put my whole heart into.
I'm sorry, but I do not have the tolerance that you guys do. I would, and have, definitly returned the favor in their face.
Yes, it does cause more confrontation but I am not the type to let someone walk all over me. I believe that everyone, regardless of your level in society, should understand that with every action there is a consequence. I live by the golden rule: Do to others what you would like them to do to you.

Sorry guys, I just had to let that out. This has always been a very touchy issue with me and I must admit it is really the only time I do get this upset.

Thanks for listening.

[This message has been edited by Ludgero (edited 13 December 2002).]
Thank you guys for your consolation. today I feel much better knowing that my nsx is siting in my garaged unharmed and awating for me to take her for a spin tonite after I get home from school. but I learned my lesson, I'll never leave my nsx unattended again! Take care guys and have a happy holiday.
Originally posted by madfast:
I learned my lesson. I will never leave my baby unattended. I should've known better than to park next to those fuk'en renegade kids! [This message has been edited by madfast (edited 13 December 2002).]

Yup, there was another thread about this subject, and I don't know if your NSX is your daily driver, but I always never try leave my car unsupervised
If i were you I would of got their liscense plate.. either 2 choices
report them, for what I dunno..
go kick their asses and do a burn out on their bodies
Spitting or any form of vandalism just plain bites. Just a bunch of low lives, working at McDonalds, etc. idiots.

When I buy my NSX, I would already have devoted years of working many hours just into the car. So of course I'm naturally going to be paranoid if I leave it unattended.
(Maybe its because I went to a highschool where nice cars were getting keyed, slashed tires, etc.)

Anyways, IMHO, whoever does this to an NSX should get a royal beat down.
I would had written down their lic. # if I was not on the fone. I was so distracted that's why I didn't even pay attention to their lic #. I'll be more aware next time. that way I can get the cops to get them. take care guys and happy holidays!
Three they are the types that blame their pitiful existance on everbody else but themselves...basically a product of poor parenting. And two: those MF'S! I would $#!+ a brick, then go spit in their eye. And Third: instead of What Would Jesus Do (WWJD), I follow the WWCED (What Would Clint Eastwood Do). I walk up to the leader of the bunch before leaving my car unattended and say, "I have your license plate number, I know what you look like and I know where you live. And seeing how interested you are in my interested that you would like to mark it as your own by peeing on it, I am gonna hold you personally responsible for the well being of my car. You see, I am going in side for 5 minutes to get an ice cream..and if I come out to find my car in any way than what I left it're gonna wish your daddy wore a condom". Teenage punks scare easily when confronted.

Todd E. Williams
'94 NSX Berlina Black/Onyx

[This message has been edited by tewills (edited 13 December 2002).]

[This message has been edited by tewills (edited 13 December 2002).]
Originally posted by tewills:
And Third: instead of What Would Jesus Do (WWJD), I follow the WWCED (What Would Clint Eastwood Do). I walk up to the leader of the bunch before leaving my car unattended and say, "I have your license plate number, I know what you look like and I know where you live. And seeing how interested you are in my interested that you would like to mark it as your own by peeing on it, I am gonna hold you personally responsible for the well being of my car. You see, I am going in side for 5 minutes to get an ice cream..and if I come out to find my car in any way than what I left it're gonna wish your daddy wore a condom". Teenage punks scare easily when confronted.

yea.... i like this choice.....
i like that 'What Would Clint Eastwood do' ... except i'd love to repeat his speech in Dirty Harry... show them a HUGE gun, and tell them how it can take their head clean off... "do you feel lucky, PUNK!"
Originally posted by Ludgero:
Hey guys,
Stuff like this really gets to me. I have been dealing with these issues since I was 16 (when I bought my first nsx). I can't stand it. I have been working since I was 11 years old, over 50 hours a week and still going to school for what?

[This message has been edited by Ludgero (edited 13 December 2002).]

I have a question for you. What have you been doing for 50 hours a week since you were 11 years old? Isn't it illegal to work like that at such a young age?
Family business or that of a friends perhaps? I wish I could have had work as a young computer tech when I was 14, but no one would take me, even until I reached 19. Now, that I finally have experience on "paper," life has never been better.

If my relatives only took my advice about Microsoft, Cisco, and Intel 12 years ago.. sigh.

To help u understand the pyschology of why kids spit/damage exotic cars, let me share a confession. Once when i was about 12 or something my cousin and I were at a fast-food place at night. Our family was inside, and we were outside... there was a lovely porsche parked out the front, and i dared him to throw a piece of tomato on it. Talk about such an adrenaline rush when it landed on the windscreen.

moral of the story: (if there is one) it's often just stupidity that causes kids to do stuff like that. i wouldn't dream of doing anything to anyone's car these days, and i'd blast any kid doing it too...

...nothing we can do about it except follow Clint Eastwood's example.

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 14 December 2002).]
I'd take the Matthew Quigley approach--from 1000yds. out :

1). Identify the target

2). Take precise range reading -laser rangefinder scope is best

3). Make sight calibration adjustments according to wind conditions (x - wind and tail wind) and distance to target

4). Mount rifle

5). Put X-hair over target's forehead

6). Take 3 full, deep breaths, hold the 4th 1/3 way out (from exhale)

7). very gently and smoothly, squeeze the trigger straight back until the hammer falls. Make sure it's a surprise trigger break!

8). F-O-L-L-O-W T-H-R-O-U-G-H- !!!

9). Repeat step 5-9 as necessary, depending on # of punks to put away

---NO confrontation = NO possible future retaliation/vandalism to you OR your NSX!

Muahahahahaha !!

NeoNSX, got some room in that couch of yours?

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 13 December 2002).]
Originally posted by ck:
What have you been doing for 50 hours a week since you were 11 years old? Isn't it illegal to work like that at such a young age?

Not if you don't tell anyone about your job as an under-aged coke dealer on skid row!

Ludgero, I definitely know how it feels to be in your shoes. But hey, ain't it great that life is much easier, now that you got the REALLY HARD STUFFS out of the way, eh?

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 14 December 2002).]
I like your post thanks...hehehe Makes me feel much better and I'll definitely know what to do next time. cuz when I got off my car to buy my ice cream I was on the fone and usually cool teenagers would ask me about the car and complement it but these guys had not regard for it. So I should've known that they had something in the works. well, it's too late know...I am just happy that my car has no scractch or dent. Too bad I can't take it for a spin tonite. it's raining cats and dogs here in NYC.
Hey Madfast, don't feel that bad at least it was just spit...something not as harsh...Since i owned my NSX for the past 4months i've been thru Spit, Key, and egging and to top it off, just 2weeks ago i got rear ended. Hope that makes you feel a little better...... But then someone should teach these poor minded fellows a few lessons. Its these poor moraled people that makes this society bad.

In the end i think to myself and laugh, because "I have something they don't have" no matter how scratched up it is, still probably better than what those people would possibly have.
I am so sorry to hear about your incident. I know how you must feel. I got my car spat on and I felt like shit. but you are right. no matter how sratched the car is, the nsx is a better car regardless of what those bastards are ddriving. you take care tobal and I am very sorry to hear about your accident. so is the car at the shop...hey, this could be a forced upgrade to a comptech widebody heehheeh. keep me posted buddy
Hey Dan, i'm over in the East bay by Berkeley.

Madfast, my car isn't in the shop yet...eventually some issues here and there. The accident wasn't that major just need the Rear bumper and under to be replaced. Too bad my tail lights didn't pop, or else i would go after the 02 rear lights. Trying to get a shop to cover me up for a 02 rear bumper,valence etc... Much easier if i didn't have this Deductable right now. Unless someone can hook me up, probably wont' go into the shop until i get the settlement.
Damn, I hate hearing this...brings back the feeling I had when it happened to my NSX.

I guess we'll just have to learn to live with it.

Spit happens.

'00 Acura NSX-T (red/black), '97 Honda Civic HX (black), '01 Lexus IS300 (black/black)
"Reality is better than the dream..."