Some pics from this past weekend's track event

26 September 2003
Let's congratulate Teddy (counter) first of all. He is now a full fledged instructor :cool:. Teddy definitely helped me out in getting my confidence back after being out for a while (especially the steering wheel trick).

It was a nice surprise that you came out. I appreciate your generous offer of switching out rear brake pads with me so that I could finish day 2 (although I didn't take advantage of it).

On to the pics (Thanks to Karno and Colin for the pics). Teddy, I couldn't find any pics of your car so sorry man :frown:

Shot of me going down the front straight

SL giving an acquaintance a ride in my car

SL coming into the carousel in my car

SL being gentle with my car and holding up traffic

one of me in motion

And this link is a link from the official track photographer

I got new rear pads coming in this week and am considering going back out there for the MSC group this upcoming weekend. Anyone else interested?
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Hey congrats Teddy! I hope to join you guys at the track one of these days!

Matt, your car looks slow! You need that Turbo (and then I guess as a favor to you I can throw you some $ for the ctsc to help offset your cost!) :biggrin:
Thanks Matt and Z. Nice pics. I especially like the one in motion. If you don't mind, can you ask the guy that took it if I can get a good quality copy of it. I have two in my office at work and that would be a nice addition. I like the pics that show motion like that.

Z come on out to the track!

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Congrats Teddy. Man, I am sorry I missed that event. We need to coordinate our schedules next year so that we have more than 2 NSX's on the track.
Thanks, Ritesh. Are you going to MSR in December? I am planning on being there, but not 100% at this point.
What suspension are you on now Teddy?

I didn't forget about your request. I am awaiting a response from the photographer
By the way Teddy

I am signed up for January's event and if you're going, I would like to have you in the car for a couple of sessions the first day to improve on some things.

We need to get an NSXPrime group together for 1 event (I would like to go to MSR Cresson but not in December :) )
I have the JIC suspension from SOS.

I am planning on being at TWS in January, but will have to confirm as time gets closer.
How often do you guys go to the track? And what does it usually cost? I would love to start going again. I oil starved my motor at MSR a couple of years ago. Turn three is not nice.
I go about once a month. A weekend with The Drivers Edge is $295. There are other alternatives. Maybe Matt can chime in on some of them.
I also go with Driver's Edge since I am very comfortable with their rules/system and feel it is very safe with them. I've been out on the track with another group before but it was more of a free for all and looking back, I got lucky nothing happened to me.

I don't go as frequently as Teddy but I do try to go 3-4 times a year (never in the summer which is why I wait until the weather cools down before I start going out).

As for other groups, I hear Lonestar PCA (Porsche Club) is fairly structured and safe to run with. But for me, I just go with Driver's Edge.
Their website is
There is room for the December event at MSR Cresson (near Dallas) if you want to go.
There is also room for the January event back at TWS (in College Station) but registration will fill up fast.

Speaking of that event...Teddy, I am registered but I emailed Rick to let him know that I am not bringing the NSX out for that one. I want to give my daily a shot out at the track just for fun :biggrin: .
Thanks, Ritesh. Are you going to MSR in December? I am planning on being there, but not 100% at this point.

Let me see if I can make it. If you are going then I will definetly try to be there in the NSX or GT3. The SM needs a new clutch.:frown:
Ok you guys. You twisted my arm. I just registered for the Dec event at MSR (first timer). I won't be bringing the NSX to Cresson. I will be bringing the NSX to the January event back at TWS.

Hope to see you again Ritesh at MSR.

Btw, what is the hotel of choice for MSR?'s going to be cold.