Some more Arab drifting videos

Wow - what a flaming moron. By half way through I was hoping that the video showed him getting dragged from the car and beaten senseless by the local law. See how skilled he is with a couple of taser darts in him. :eek:
lemansnsx said:
Wow - what a flaming moron. By half way through I was hoping that the video showed him getting dragged from the car and beaten senseless by the local law. See how skilled he is with a couple of taser darts in him. :eek:

heh, more likely he's offered the law $5 and be on his way.
Pretty stupid, but I gotta admit it made me laugh. Imagine what he could do with a Tommy Makinen EVO7.
You know the craziest thing about this is he did that in a toyota camry! :eek:

I've taken a camry out before on a autocross course, and that thing is scary - specifically because it's so easy to lose control in and has very sloppy steering.
actually the crazy thing is that all those people are standing by wathcing his stunt. They are 20 ft. away a car doing mulitple 360's. :eek:
Hey guys, I’m from the same city this moron is on the video, I even recognize those streets, NO I DON’T KNOW THE IDIOT

Anyway, I thought I should give you some facts from someone on the inside, being a Saudi and living in the city where this video has been taken

1- these morons have a very short life span, they usually end up dead before they reach 30
2- the car used is a Toyota Camry, which is an all time favorite for car thieves, the steel it, drift it to death and then they toss it away, and in case of an accident, hey just walk away, assuming they live in the first place, which is mostly no.
3- The government has been continuously brining on new laws to fight these idiots and ban them for good, but they just seem to go on, the problem is age factor, they are mostly teenagers influenced by bad schoolmates. But I think they will succeed in eliminating them soon.
4- I cannot stress enough how high the fatality rate of these idiots, they almost always die out. Which is good, its natures way of purifying humanity, at this rate the government doesn’t need to do anything, but they do so to save the lives of the innocent. These guys have a tendency to drift in front of schools where there are a lot of children.
AutoEuphoria said:
.....sounds like all they get on the radio is Alanis Morissette
Too funny!

I guess if it's stolen, he doesn't need to worry about tire costs - must need a new set every other day!