Some Est Fest Pics

15 October 2002
West Vancouver
This was the home of the Hospitality Suite and where the NSXCC exec stayed.


Without my first wife Becky and her current husband Sean, Est Fest would not have happened as it did. THANKS GUYS!


Group shot in the busteling metropolis of Lyndhurst!


Paul, who does not even own an NSX but who scouted all of the local Inns and the driving route for us, judging the Show and Shine.


Larry Bastanza doing a quick check to confirm that the NSX was indeed a V6 and not a V8 as he thought previously.


What a great night this was!


Lots more coming soon!
Some people never get a chance to relax!


Tytus, owner of an amazing black 05 who won the Best Interior at the Show, cleaning his car for the 5th time over the weekend. That's what happens when you buy a black car!


Some times you just have to go with it.


The Est Fest Welcome Wagon!

Lucas was the official photographer of Est Fest. I was the official photographer of Lucas.


No matter how many hundeds of hours a month Ron spends washing and claying and waxing and buffing and rebuffing his car, ITS STILL SILVER! You want a yellow car, buy a yellow car! But his (silver) paint is amazing!


The Est Fest "coffee" mug.


Rob, an NSX Master Tech from Acura of Oakville, one of our two sponsoring dealerships. What a great contribution he gave to the event. He really knows his stuff. Thanks for talking Rob!


Thanks again Sean and Becky. You did Est Fest.

Great Pics Dave, you just need some more Red NSXs in the mix!

Thanks to everyone for coming. Everyone was so appreciative.

I want to make a special thank-you to:

Bram - for organizing sponsorship and getting more prizes than we could give away!

Stu - for helping with the logistics and taking care of the accounting at the end which is such a PITA.

Dave - for running the Show and Shine when I couldn't be there. I think we have to do show and shines away from headquarters hotels for now on. This one was so much fun because everyone just hung out and admired each other's beautiful cars for a couple of hours rather than hiding in their rooms.

Joe, Larry & Robert - for their great tech sessions. Everyone was blown away by the collective knowledge, and I know that their shops will be busy this week.

Derrick Hanson - for a great driving dynamics session. Everyone there took piles of notes and I don't remember any other time where everyone spoke so passionately about driving and NSXs in general.

Paul Henault - for not only organizing the cruise but for judging the show and shine. He did so much work, and doesn't own an NSX yet, but now we all know he will. And much sooner than he originally thought!!! Better buy it before September 2009 Paul!

A special thanks to Becky for helping out so much this weekend. She was my right hand "man" and did so much behind the scenes.
Thanks to You and Becky for making the weekend perfect!.... I know that there were tons of behind the scene details that you guys took care of.

Thanks to Rob, Joe and Larry, for all their collective knowledge of the NSX.

Thanks to everyone for coming and enjoying Est Fest with us.

Great pics Dave!

Man, I missed a good time!

Looks like we'll have a bigger event in 2009!!
Big thanks to Sean, Becky, Paul, Stu, Dave D, Bram, Arshad and others who sacrificed their personal time to organize Est Fest. It was absolutely a first class event from start to finish. THANK YOU!!

Owen & Karen
Me too. I keep checking in for his post!

Gotta hand it to the kid. He treated the weekend very professionally. I thought that it was great that he would just appear at the side of the road, or on the other side of a bridge, sporatically through the weekend. He was always a few steps ahead of us for the photo opps!
Glad you had a great time.........did you get rained on?? Hopefully with doctors orders I can walk this week and install the new wheels so I can drive. Bike riding will still be a while but looks like racing at Mosport will be a reality:biggrin: . Hope you got to drive the great roads out that way and didn't just stay around the hotel area.
The only rain I saw was during the drive. And it didnt matter! The weather was great; a bit chilly on Sat night/Sun AM, but all of the outdoor events went off without any weather issues IMO
Thanks to all who made the weekend a success! We had a great time and everyone was pure entertainment!

Couple things to report:

1. I've relocated my cup holder and sucessfully placed the X in reverse again. ;)
2. I was a good boy entering the GTA on Monday night and didnt see our finest waiting for the rest of us. Thanks for looking out, you know who you are...

Anyway, we look forward to future events and helping out with organizing!

BASH & Urbee
So where is the pic with all the cars???:confused: