some advise regarding tipping engines for timing belt replacment

14 October 2000
Im a little stumped. I havethe factory manual and folowing the steps. Im at the point of removing the motormount and then tipping engine. The book sayes remove the bolt from the side engine mount hen push the mount into the body. It then sayes to remove the transmision mount. It seems there will be nothing holding the engine. I am wondering why the enine needs to be tipped. Can someone who has done this give me a little insight.
There are 4 mounts, you won't be disconnecting all of them so the engine will still be supported by the remaining mounts. You have to tilt the engine to get enough clearance to get the belt on and off of the cam gears. It really is that tight of a fit. The above link from Tom is much better than following the service manual alone. I used both together when I did this a couple years back.
Thanks guys. I have the top end work done and stoped at the mounts. Its a little confusing because the manual states to remove mounts then set jack. That seems a little asbackwards as to what is holding the engine. When i was looking it seemed tight but a lot of new cars are tight. I printed the new guide and i will do as sugested and use both. This is sure a wonderfull site for all of us who enjoy these cars. I like the fact that everyone is so helpfull and it very rare to see a responce that is mean or nasty. Great job.
Put simply, there are 4 engine mounts. One near the air intake box (the transmission mount) on the left side of the body, one near the alternator on the right side of the body. Mid-engine, and middle of the body, there are front and rear engine mounts. So, you remove the left and right mounts, and the engine is suspended by the two mounts in the middle. Then you tilt the engine to get some of the cover bolts out.

I've not tried to find out how to add it to the Wiki, but some Prime members have found this picture I assembled to be helpful.
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