Somalia Pirates are done

Seems like a private security firm armed with assault rifles and several magazines worth of ammunition would be far more cost effective than robot helicopters with millions of dollars worth of development and operating expense. (but it does sound cool)

Just my opinion, but I think the shipping companies hiring their own security to protect their liability is far more effective than the international effort to combat piracy has been.
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Seems like a private security firm armed with assault rifles and several magazines worth of ammunition would be far more cost effective than robot helicopters with millions of dollars worth of development and operating expense. (but it does sound cool)

Just my opinion, but I think the shipping companies hiring their own security to protect their liability is far more effective than the international effort to combat piracy has been.

I'm not sure how much the international effort has actually been. I'm pretty sure it's not on the top 10 list for our Navy.

I'm not sure how much the international effort has actually been. I'm pretty sure it's not on the top 10 list for our Navy.


India, China, Russia, South Korea, Japan, as well as French, Danish, and other EU forces are involved. The US has had a constant presence as well.

US SEALs haven't sniped any hostage takers lately, but there are still forces present.

A guy has to make a living somehow :)

Our GlobalHawk for the Navy is nearing completion of the first production bird. It will be able to spot pirates from 60,000 feet.

pretty awesome stuff in the arsenal for sure!

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I think that is an appropriate response to these piece of shit murdering thieves. I fully support the right of the shippers to defend themselves from these criminal pirates.
For what it's worth

I once ran into this person who works in these huge oil liners and he said that he was very suspicious of these pirates having connections higher up.

He said they basically never attack a ship that's protected or insured yet they mysteriously knew of the ones that were not.
For what it's worth

I once ran into this person who works in these huge oil liners and he said that he was very suspicious of these pirates having connections higher up.

He said they basically never attack a ship that's protected or insured yet they mysteriously knew of the ones that were not.

I can understand why pirates wouldn't want to attack a ship that is protected, but not attacking a ship that is insured doesn't make much sense. It would seem like those would be the first ones to pay off to get their ship and crew back.

Now if your buddy is speculating that the insurance companies are targeting ships (using Somali pirates) that aren't insured to get them to start paying insurance, I think he is a conspiracy junkie!
I can understand why pirates wouldn't want to attack a ship that is protected, but not attacking a ship that is insured doesn't make much sense. It would seem like those would be the first ones to pay off to get their ship and crew back.

Now if your buddy is speculating that the insurance companies are targeting ships (using Somali pirates) that aren't insured to get them to start paying insurance, I think he is a conspiracy junkie!

Could be,

But then again to be fair to the guy, it was a casual conversation I had with him and I might have missed a few details that would better support his argument.
Re: Grumman has had an answer for a long time...

20mm @ 6,000 rounds per minute

Sounds like you are describing the General Electric M61A1 Vulcan. :smile:
Still curious on the legalities of private contractors on international waters when somebody actually does die. Either way, the situation is out of control and dedicating US assets to it isn't exactly economical plus it is strictly a reactive means to the end.
I like how the Russians handled the Somalis. Take them over, take away weapons, disable motors/electronics.................set adrift!
I saw a video of what I believe were Russians capturing a Somali pirate ship that attacked a freighter. They handcuffed the pirates to the boat and sank it.
I saw a video of what I believe were Russians capturing a Somali pirate ship that attacked a freighter. They handcuffed the pirates to the boat and sank it.

Now that's how you treat these animals. String em up and give em a taste of their own medicine. POSs deserve every last bullet in those guns IMO.
I saw a video of what I believe were Russians capturing a Somali pirate ship that attacked a freighter. They handcuffed the pirates to the boat and sank it.

And by "sank it" you mean they blew it up causing it to sink :D.