Scammers are using compromised Prime member accounts to pose as a trusted seller in the marketplace. Before you enter into a deal with any seller, follow these tips to keep yourself safe. If you encounter one of these scammers, please report them immediately and we will lock their account.

    Caveat Emptor!

Interior SOLD: New Acura OEM black floor mats

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19 April 2001
Brand new in box. Black floor mats 83600-T6N-A01ZA.

$144 MSRP. Discount sites selling for $105+tax+shipping (for my zip code...$40-$80)

Asking $100 incl shipping to CONUS.
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Thanks, it's not you we're worried about. We've had multiple people get scammed when somebody hacks the account of a long standing member then pretends to sell stuff under their name/reputation which is why this rule was implemented. There was one guy a while back who was even trying to photoshop sticky notes with name/date into other peoples photos but fortunately it was very poorly done.
Apparently I need 10 posts to send a PM. I suppose we could banter back and forth here for a bit! I need 7 more after this.
Post 7/10 making quota! Italics make it more interesting while I wait for the throttling timer.
Thanks, it's not you we're worried about. We've had multiple people get scammed when somebody hacks the account of a long standing member then pretends to sell stuff under their name/reputation which is why this rule was implemented. There was one guy a while back who was even trying to photoshop sticky notes with name/date into other peoples photos but fortunately it was very poorly done.
Makes sense. Thanks for maintaining this community.
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