So whats your new years resolution?

Not to make any resolutions.
I want to compete in a cyclocross race in 2010. I started training back in September for what amounts to 60 minutes of riding, running up hills and traversing obstacles in the mud.

I think I could pull it off today if I wanted, I wouldn't be as competetive as i'd like, but that really isn't as big of a concern. The big issue will be gathering the dollars and equipment I will need. I have a line on a used Jamis 'cross bike from my Uncle, but I still need a laundry list of gear before next fall, and bike stuff costs $$$

I am going to start the P90X workout.

Hopefully a couple weeks into it, it will increase my want and will to stop smoking.

good luck! P90X is brutal, yet enjoyable (if that makes sense).

As for stopping smoking, have you considered an "electronic" cigarette? They are cost effective, and my father has switched to one and has left the regular cigarettes behind.

I have had for new year resolution for years now that I was going to start smoking.

I have never gotten around to do it.

The logic is this. If I really get going with the smoking I could then stop and save a lot of money as smoking is very expencive. The money I save not buying cigarettes I could use to pay for my trip to NSXPO 2010.

So I better get around to start smoking bad now as the trip to NSXPO will cost me an arm and a leg. So no time to lose :biggrin:

good luck! P90X is brutal, yet enjoyable (if that makes sense).

As for stopping smoking, have you considered an "electronic" cigarette? They are cost effective, and my father has switched to one and has left the regular cigarettes behind.

Yep, I know its brutal. I DLed the entire set and just watched the Chest and back excercises. Ouch. Before I start, I need to buy some equipment. So, I hope to get started in the next couple of weeks. Couple that with my regular 3 day a week BJJ training, and I should be dead to the world.

I have thought about the electric cigarette. But, that doesnt fix the main problem with smoking, which is the oral fixation. So, I may try the gum for the nicotine crave, coupled with sunflower seeds for the oral fixation.

We shall see.
attempt to get out of more debt while still keeping the toys :)
To get back into training properly.

To try and finish remodelling the house.

To write the books I have said to my wife I was going to write for years!
I thought I would never say this...but after 13yrs in the RE/Mortgage business, I am looking for a career change. After having my deals sit in escrow forever, I have come to the stage of "defeated". :mad:
Finish my new house. I am at the edge of insanity at this point. I need to get this done by July or I am going to go insane, and I truly mean that. Going on the 9th month now of 12+ hour days working on this house and also taking care of the rentals too. I need to take a breather VERY soon as I am near my breaking point.
Spend a little more time reading some of the financial books lying around here. Keep a closer watch on the portfolio in the first and second quarter to try and unload some of the garbage we have and go long for the kids. :rolleyes:
I've never been able to make a new years resolution. I'll think about it, but can't come up with anything good. Last year my goal on Jan 1 was to come up with a good goal by Feb 1. Didn't happen.
Spend more time with family and work less...I write this as I sit here working during Holiday shutdown :rolleyes:
Drive my NSX at least as many miles as I run each week...enough so I don't have to jump start her.

I barely put more miles on my car than I ran this least I ran around 1,250 miles!
• Get my daughter finally back to the US even if its for a couple of months, it has been almost 2 years since her mom took her, and me going every 2 month$$$$$$$$ to see her.

• Make my business work in a way that I can operate from Brazil or US (so I have time with her and in courts in Rio)

2010 is the year for me to really win battles ...
-sell more cars/bikes and not taking any losses while at it.
-start p90x