So what's been going on lately?

30 January 2001
Thought I would make another wazup thread since I hear through the vine that Bobs linus is getting a repaint,and El presidente is in Japan:eek: Any other regional news.Tricia and I are on the baby downlow.Any news from camp Jadkar.?
W'zup Doc and all the NE'ers!

Here is the 411 from Jay's camp:

1) My wife and I are expecting our second daughter Morgan in Feb 2008! Our first lil' lady Sidney is 2.4 years old now. :biggrin:

2) I just got accepted into Dental School!! Woohoo!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I start next August and will be attending UMDNJ-New Jersey Dental School. I was also accepted into NYU and have interviews pending at some other schools but NJ has low tuition + they threw me a $20,000 merit scholarship so their courtship techniques worked. After I graduate I will be the official dental care provider for the NE Region............provided that you have excllent dental insurance and/or deep pockets!!! :tongue:

My preparation for d-school the past few years is why I have not been to many meets including Xpo (had an interview that Friday the 5th). It has been a long road and I can't wait to start!!

3) With 4 years of unemployment and zero free time in my near future, I will be sadly selling my NSX. :frown: I thought I could squeeze by and keep it till , but ~$30,000 sitting in the garage while I am unemployed just makes no sense. However, when I graduate, I will be picking one up pretty soon afterward so it will just be a temporary NSX hiatus that I will be on.

Happy Holidays to everyone and if you are interested in a 91 silver/ivory 5-speed with 70K drop me a line!!
baby girl due here in May. Still thinking about names, haven't come up with anything good yet.

The new to me Ferrari is great, haven't really driven it much as I am trying to relax as much as possible to get ready for this summer. Thinking about taking driving lessons.

Florida is great, warm as usual, high 70's today been sitting on the dock most of the day.

Been on Yahoo music for most te morning filling my head with 80's rock and roll! Man I love the winters so much better than the 18 hour a day work day in the summer.

congrats on the dental school Jay.
Jay big thumbs up for your impending birth and for toof school.Our Second is a joy but not sleeping well at night.He is a Rock star.Sleeps all day!Our first is 3 and he has changed alittle since our world does not revolve around him now.We are enjoying our new home and all the work that entails.Steve congrats on your impending birth.You will learn alot about yourself and your wife during the process. Blessed Christmas to all,and a Happy new year.
Alright to the Doc John Family, keep on rockin, want to see pics of the family and completed Taj Mahal, with the garage too.

Jay, sorry but Doc Bling is the official NE Senior Flying Dentist, you'll have to settle for sloppy seconds until he decides that you can take over. B of L in the sale of your toy

Steve, what can I say, I ratted you out when I saw your post on another forum, so like I said, I get first NE ride!!! Like Doc John said, you'll really know who and what you are when you become a Dad.

Yeah, RSO is in for some "plastic surgery", but this time it's purely elective and not covered by insurance (no elective plastic surgery is)

El Presidente is practicing his Japanese, probably getting a sneak peak at the HSC (poor guy)

Me, just counting my blessings as I made it through the year with no major health issues, and my daughter's draining my resources in law school at 65K per year. Just think of the toys I can get when she finishes in 2.5 years (but hey, who's counting)!

Let me echo the wishes to everyone for a Healthy and Happy Holiday seasons, to you and all that you hold dear!:biggrin:
Thanks Rog !We can always count on you for warm thoughtful posts.:smile:
Thanks Rog !We can always count on you for warm thoughtful posts.:smile:
Hey Doc, since Trish is NOTgoing to be pregnant this year, we expect you at Kid's Day, with the "Bee", no excuses!!!
Hello, all,

Good to hear that things are going well with everyone.

As usual, I am spending ridiculous amount of hours at work, but my family and this forum keep me sane.

Gotta go and finish work so that I can leave the office before 3AM today!
Poohbear has started her own NSX fund. Watch your mirror boys!

In other news, I took a half day vacation today and shopped for a Christmas Tree. Granted this news isn't as grand as the others (congrats to all by the way), but it made me happy (and remember it is all about me).

We are looking forward to the 19th!
Congratulations to Doc John and all the other baby makers. Thinks are well here in sunny Florida but Susan and I do miss the NE gang. Not so much in the winter though. We are looking forward to The Don & Co, RSO, and Clem & Friends visiting us for the Rolex 24 hour race in January. It is nice being 10 minutes from the track. Hope everyone has a happy holidays and keep on shoveling that snow:biggrin: .
David & Susan
No driving until at least next week with this weather. Grrr...winter always gets me stir crazy. Hope all is well with everyone. Have a great holiday season!

Tiger, what became of of your decision to work more or less and have more family time?Seems like you are still in the rat race? Dave and Susan,nice to hear from you all.Wow I'm jealous nice to have that track so close.Please though use alot of simple green on that jacuzi after the NE gang has thier way with it!
No driving until at least next week with this weather. Grrr...winter always gets me stir crazy. Hope all is well with everyone. Have a great holiday season!


what are you kidding me I was out yesterday with the top down. They need to close the NE down in the winter, or just give it to Canada.
what are you kidding me I was out yesterday with the top down. They need to close the NE down in the winter, or just give it to Canada.
Hey Steve, take it easy with the car before I get to drive it!!!:eek:
Rog after a spin with you that 360 will look like Z#49:tongue:
Rog after a spin with you that 360 will look like Z#49:tongue:


I was back up north for a bit and put car up in the garage here. I took it out yesterday but I had not washed it, it was pretty dusty. I can not even begin to tell you how much attention this car attracts. I had people following me snapping pictures. I pulled into the gate gas station to get some coffee and was pratically mobbed. I not so sure this car is for me. I really don't like all the attention it brings. People are snapping photos and the car looks really dirty. I was embarrased how dirty it was. I was talking to one guy about the car and told him I was going to wash it before I left but I didn't and I was embarresed it was so dirty. He said who cares hw dirty it is it's a Ferrari. Thats the other crazy thing too. The area I live in Florida is VERY upscale, probably the most upscale area of north Florida. I see nice cars on the road all day but no one is chasing them down. . I see 3-4 Lambo's every day. Half the Jacksonville Jaguars live about 4-5 houses up the street from me and they all have nice cars. Why isn't the photographers chasing them down in their Bentleys?

One other thing is the car sits LOW and I mean LOW! I swear it would scrape a dime laying in the road. I have to be really careful every time I pull into anywhere.
As alluded to in other posts, my track rat is finally in for some TLC with Vince's so that some other deserving owner can claim the title to most road rash. I felt it was time to retire undefeated and pass the mantle to the next generation.

Other than waiting for trial season to be suspended for the holidays and defending the predicate felons among us with feet of lead (I don't want to mention names but the leading offender's initials is L.A.R.R.Y.B.), I am looking forward to that first escape from the snow and trip down to the Rolex 24 Hours and staying at Casa de Moore.
Ive just been chillin':biggrin: Havent been too into the cars recently, the weather's been shitty. I've been hibernating alot. Spending some time with the parents, working a little, and enjoying some relaxing down time. I still get my share of wild nights and parties in:biggrin: Normally the car business sucks during winter, but we've been busier than summer time busy:confused: Trust me, I'm not complaining.
W'zup Doc and all the NE'ers!

2) I just got accepted into Dental School!! Woohoo!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I start next August and will be attending UMDNJ-New Jersey Dental School. I was also accepted into NYU and have interviews pending at some other schools but NJ has low tuition + they threw me a $20,000 merit scholarship so their courtship techniques worked. After I graduate I will be the official dental care provider for the NE Region............provided that you have excllent dental insurance and/or deep pockets!!! :tongue:

congrats on getting into my alllamatta kid....
another herbie/hermie, just in time for xmas!!

let me know if you need anything for your severe depression
Lol Jon,I always loved that doo.Btw anyone know how the Mills and Earnie/Vicky are doing?
Hope we can see ALL of you @ Est Fest!
I'm already missing the NY Contingent!
(Instead of putting buffalo in your hotel rooms we're gonna stock your bar fridge with beer!) :)