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So we can't wash our cars anymore???

19 May 2003
Temecula, CA
I'm all for water conservation, especially considering the drought we are having, but making it illegal to wash your car is a little overboard...I can see if you are not using a nozzle and just letting the water run non stop, but who the f*** does that anyway??? I use a lot less water washing my cars then I do taking a shower...and it's not like you are washing your car everyday like you do a shower...also, what's the difference if I'm washing my own car at my house or going to the local do it yourself car wash??? I have cut down big time on my lawn watering in the last year or so, but I'm gonna have a hard time not washing my NSX ....:frown:
Your states water laws, usage regulations and waste are the laughing stock
Of the country. Sorry buy you all(those you voted in) did it to yourselves.

Didn't you learn from the whole energy regulation fiasco a dozen years ago?

Now you'll have to excuse me while I go And flush my toilot 10x in a row just because
I can. :-0
Just don't see how they plan on enforcing it??

Btw, I can flush my toilet 10 times too, but it'd be useless and wasteful...I just have break the law washing my car now:redface:
Which water district are you in? It was my understanding that we can still wash our cars, just no open hoses running non-stop. But like you said, that's really a non-issue.
Which water district are you in? It was my understanding that we can still wash our cars, just no open hoses running non-stop. But like you said, that's really a non-issue.

Just got the notice today from Rancho California Water District about the stage 4 water restrictions. A mandatory 25% decress in water usage and washing your car in your own driveway is now prohibited. Supposedly I'm supposed to get a pool cover now too.:rolleyes: apparently it is a state wide issue as of today June 1
of the 4 districts, Rancho is at the highest stage, stage 4 as you mentioned. Elsinore Valley is still at stage 2.
I'm hoping it is just a typo...I'm hoping they meant you can't wash without a shut off valve.:confused:

Wonder how neighboring districts wouldn't be in same stage???

It was all over the news today on KABC, KNBC, KCAL, etc today....
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I'm in Irvine Ranch Water District. The last thing I saw on our rate increases was we CAN still wash our cars with a shut off nozzle. I hope that hasn't changed.
also, what's the difference if I'm washing my own car at my house or going to the local do it yourself car wash???

Most commercial car washes (those after Jan 2014) are required to recycle their water in CA. The do-it-yourself ones don't in CA yet, but there are systems that can be bought to recycle water for those types too.
I took my NSX to the commercial high pressure (no brushes) version and for some reason it wasn't reading my NSX (either too low or maybe it was the aluminum) and I got my $$$ back.

I live in the hills. Out of sight of my neighbors and people walking by.

I blast fully automatic weapon and no visits from the Sheriff so I'm good to go.
If I lived in California i would buy several bottles of Pinnacle waterless wash w/carnuba and a supply of microfiber towels. With just two buckets of water and the waterless wash you can clean your car in the garage away from prying eyes. Or for quick touchups you can make a spray bottle of the product and wipe away the dust after spraying the car panel.
Just got a newsletter from Elsinore Valley Water District. It jumped to Stage 4A and no car washing is allowed. Can only water grass twice a week now. No filling of uncovered pools.

This is BS. Canyon Lake has 1.5 BILLION gallons of water that's there for the primary use of drinking water. But instead, the district leased out the lake to the residents of the Canyon Lake community so they can use it as recreation and boat and jetski on it.

The way things work in this world is so f'd up. There's a shortage because it's mis-managed and lack of foresight.

In other news, I heard Oceanside is building a desalination plant now...
I have ALWAYS washed my car by parking it ON the grass while washing. It is supposedly better for the environment AND the grass. IF you are limited to watering your grass twice / week you can wash your car twice a week if you park it ON the grass. :smile:
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I have ALWAYS washed my car by parking it ON the grass while washing. It is supposedly better for the environment AND the grass. IF you are limited to watering your grass twice / week you can wash your car twice a week if you park it ON the grass. :smile:

Great idea, I'm gonna start watering my lawn with my car parked on it!!! :biggrin: