So my 18yr old cousin died of an OD this morning...

30 April 2003
Indianapolis, IN
Oxycotin I guess. I'm not trying to be preachy with this, but some drugs are just stupid. Don't do them. They cost a young woman close to me her life, and have her family through something that no family should have to go through. Parents shouldn't outlive their kids like this.

It's hard to believe she's gone. She was a good person who just made some bad choices.

That is so sad. As a high school teacher I end up seeing alot more behavior like that than I care to admit. Kids of that age think they're invincible and that this is the time in their lives to experiment with drugs and go nuts.

A freind of mine lost his 15 year old brother to alcohol poisoning.

Youth, cars, drugs, alcohol... it's a dangerous combination.
I'm very sorry for your loss. 18 is way too young no matter what and when its something senseless like drugs... well it's even more of a pity.

I hope you and your family can recall the good things about her and celebrate her life rather than mourn her passing.

A prayer for you and yours.
Sorry for your loss, that is truley sad when someone close to you dies like that.

My thoughts go out to you and your family.