So Lebron James leaves the Cavs

Why would people burn his jersey in the street. Was there a better way to leave?

You mean rather than over-indulging his pathetic ego with a one hour ESPN special where he betrayed the hopes of his home town on national television? He basically took a dump on the city of Cleveland- a place that doesn't really require anymore abuse than it already endures.

Was there a better way?

well... He could have maybe... Oh I don't know... quietly made his decision at the onset of free agency and then revealed that decision in a press release like any other professional athlete.

But that would be too low key for "King" James...

What an ass.


Something like that.
This was a joke. Who cares, it was a publicity stunt. All they accomplished was selling expansive commercial slots.
Yeah ... I was very disapointed in how LeBron handled the entire proccess. Come on, really ... an hour to let the world know who he was signing with? Shame on ESPN supporting a circus like that!

Then, not mention holding up other players in the free agaent market to sign with other teams.

I think most athletes are WAY overpaid by the teams, but the owners and fans that go the games keep allowing this to happen in all pro sports!

I've stopped going to any PRO sporting events. I am trying to support the college and amature leagues as much as I can as these palyers are the ones that still care about the game ... until they go pro.

I feel sorry for Cleveland however they had the oppertunity to sign Bosh and Wade like all the other teams did. It was clear LeBron was going to do what he wanted to do ... and after Bosh and Wade signed with the HEAT ... you know he was headed there.

The Cavaliers are a good client of mine and the staff that I have spoken to are a little crushed right now.
We all watched the circus, didn't we?:rolleyes:


Gilbert - loved the "King" last week, ran the "Coward" over with the bus this week.

I love seeing billionaires going berserk!
We all watched the circus, didn't we?:rolleyes:


Gilbert - loved the "King" last week, ran the "Coward" over with the bus this week.

I love seeing billionaires going berserk!

I was expecting him to stay in Cleveland, was totally shocked when he went to Miami- not shocked because he changed teams, but shocked that he had handled his image or "brand" so piss poorly.

Dear God the sports writers are eviscerating James today. If you think what Gilbert wrote in the open letter was bad...

I suppose this is what happens when you let one of your highschool buddies be your manager.


From NPR a week or so ago, a player with his tenure can make up to 30% of the team's salary cap regardless of where they play. I believe the salary cap was just set at $58M, so the most he could have made staying in Cleveland was around $18M. It was rumored he took less money to move to Miami, but prob not much less. Of course if D. Wade and C. Bosch (sp) each get their 30% of the salary cap, the rest of the team will split the last 10%. It will be interesting to see if Miami can juggle the cap to fill out the team with solid players.

Of course, Miami may incorporate the Jerry Jones' philosophy about the salary cap (back in the heyday), "I'll throw in the cocaine and hookers for free."

Chicago estimated $2 BILLION in revenue (local business, seats, etc) had he gone to Chicago. These athletes are way overpaid for what they do. Can't believe Stoudemire got $100M for 5 years...think that's more than Kobe!! :eek:
