So I ran over a rabbit last night...

6 November 2006
Austin, TX
My story.. I was driving 'nicely' home late last night and around some back roads and around a bend comes flying a little rabbit. My wife is in the car talking on the phone and she screams and drops the phone. Then we hear a 'thump' I thought about swearving but it was risky given the........ driving parameters, yeah (plus a little wet)

I told her that we didn't really hit it, it went under the car, but then this morning I saw some nice fur in between the bumper and the lip :rolleyes: (car is about 4" off the ground..)

Well, there's my story, thought I'd waste some time and share..
That sucks. It happens. We have four house rabbits as pets - they even have their own bedroom, so I won't share your story w/ the wife.

I ran over a squirrel once when Lisa was in the car. We were driving on a city street at 40mph. I saw the squirrel on the side of the road getting ready to run into traffic. I prepared to swerve just in case; but ready to hit the squirrel vs. wrecking the car. The squirrel jumped into my lane. I heard two thumps - front wheel and rear. Wife screamed. We pulled over. Squirrel was gone. It probably limped off to die. Oh well, it happens. No fur or blood; otherwise Lisa would probably never ride in the NSX again.

Another time, a long time ago, I ran over a dog that was already dead. Didn't see it in the road at 2am.

I hope the squirrel is my last roadkill. Not a good feeling.
I have 3 squirrel kills and 1 Prairie Dog. Things happen and it is not worth wrecking the car. Most of the squirrels have been when they are allmost to the other side of the road and then they see the car and try to run back to wear they came from?
I dropped off my daughter in the town where she goes to university and am on my way back home. It is sunday evening, the weather is nice and sunny
and I decide to take some nice, bending roads. There is that black bird flying towards me, diving to get under the car in a last attempt to avoid a fatal collision. I hear a light "thump", but still look in the rear view mirror to see if ... but no nothing. I think about how a thing like this always seems to happen to the non-family car :cool: Then I go slower and hear something scraping on the ground. No, not again. I stop to check. It is the license plate hanging loose on one side and scraping. Two birds feet are sticking out of the air intake of the radiator. I pull the dead bird out. There is no way it could've made it by trying to go under the car ...
It's always better to run over the animal than it is to swerver. Exceptions to the rule are if there's a deer or large animal swerve as fast as you can because it will do major damage.

A few years ago a dog ran right in front of my car when I was on vacation. I had three choices. 1) Swerve into on coming traffic and hit someone head on, 2) slam on the brakes and get creamed by the semi behind me, or 3) hit the dog and spare my life. It still brings tears to my eyes that I killed an animal, but the outcome otherwise would have been a fatality involving myself and possibly other people. :frown:
A girl I dated in highschool wacked a rabbit one night. She was inconsolable for the rest of the night. Wouldn't drive her car home ect, ect...

I have hit a possum. It was late at night, and I was driving on a wet two lane. I was coming around a right hand bend, and it was crossing in front of me. I had a split second to react when his eyes lit up in my headlights and he froze- I didn't deviate, and WHAM!

I was pretty freaked out, it was a pretty solid hit. Car wasn't damaged, and it was in the rain, so no blood or anything. I still felt pretty bad though.

Dad hit the deer with the old 91 NSX- that was ugly. Totaled the car, totaled the deer. Scary because the deer came into the car...

I hit a Brad once... I was trying to maneuver a VW new beetle Turbo in a parking spot on an inclined driveway. I worked at a dealership at the time and we were out dressing the lines in the new car dept. the VW 5-speed pattern had reverse over on the left. I knew that, but the shifter was so numb I missed a postive engagement. Brad stepped in front of the car to guide me back. When I let the clutch out the car surged forward (no gas applied) and before I could get back on the brake Old Brad got pinched between the front bumper of the Turbo, and the rear bumper of a New Beetle GLS.
Brad went to the ER to get checked out (he was a little bruised, but not bad- you couldn't pick two better cars to get pinched between- the Beetles have real soft bumpers) And I went off for the mandatory drug test (which I passed without issue).
I bought that dude lunch for the next month out of guilt...

Anyone else hit anything interesting? :tongue:
I hit an owl in a 14 ton Brinks truck.

It was mashed to the grill for about 5 minutes on the highway, with the head snapped back on top of the hood, staring at me and my work partner. It finally sid up the hood, banged off the windshield and that was that. We found a bunch of feathers and crap in the rad.

I hate it when that happens.

I pretty much never hit animals on the road but last year I was in NC in the mountains and got 3 squirrels in one day. I was really bummed but those damn squirrels have got to be the world's dumbest animal. They will run 3/4 of the way across the road, look at you, and then run back for the the other side right under your wheels. Sheesh, we gotta work together here squirrels. Get with it!
I love squirrels, but once a week they want to see if I can hit them leaving my house. It's like a game, they go one way then the other then back that way and jump onto a tree. I lock it up at least 1 time a week going 10-15mph, I love the damn things and I think they know it and play little squirrel games. Also that damn brown rabbit friend too, but he's faster and just goes 1 way. :biggrin:
There are tons of rabbits where I live. I'd been here for six years and never hit one; then I bought an NSX and shortly thereafter one jumped at the car. I don't think he got hurt much, he bounced off the side (left some hairs on the wheelwell trim).

There's not much to be gained by swerving for rabbits, they move so erratically. A friend of mine jokes that you're less likely to hit a rabbit if you actually aim for it.
I ran over a big old rat once. Didn't feel a think (me or the rat) :biggrin: He was pretty flat though in the street as I sped off.
I was going down this old access road to get some gas on the ride to LA from Houston (when I bought my NSX just 2 weeks ago) when this bird on an apparent suicide mission flew just about 6" off the pavement right in front of my car... you could tell he was like "Oh $h**" and tried to turn back... But I was going too fast for him to make it .. :( Poor guy.

At the gas station i looked under the front bumper and saw one feather on the drivers side hole just under the headlight... grabbed the feather and the whole bird was sitting just out of view. :frown:
Those rabbits are fast! Sometimes not fast enough...

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There is a baby squirrel in my neighborhood that I almost hit every morning (see it about 4 times a week driving to work). Little fella always dares me to hit him, and I always have to swerve. Reminds me of that Geico commercial where the two squirrels get a cars into accidents and do a celebration ritual.
Once I was driving home after a late night at the gym and I saw what had to be the biggest damn possum I've ever seen dart into view of my headlights. That thing stopped and just looked at me, and it was so ugly and mad I felt I almost owed it an apology.
I was driving my s2k back from a party early one morning. I was going decently fast considering how hung over i was. Until i saw in my perefferal vision, some little furry thing run right infront of my car. Before i knew it, i already demolished him. It appeared to be a rabbit btw.

I pulled over as soon as i could. I was hoping there was no damage. Thankfully there wasn't but there was a decent amount of blood and fur on my front bumper. Sorry bambi..i'll buy that new disney dvd 2 disk set just for you...

wait a minute...i killed a bunny :biggrin:
Was detailing the NSX this evening, and found a small bird wedged into the driver's side intake. Yuck! Probably been there a few days. Don't even remember hitting it.

A few years back I came up on a bird in the middle of my lane in the RSX. Slowed, thinking it would fly off to the edge of the road. Nope, decided to fly straight ahead - not a wise decisiton since it couldn't outfly the car. Wham! Glad there was no damage to the radiator or a/c components since there's no grille down there.
Hit a beaver up in Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) while driving a Mini-van filled to the brim with people and luggage. I didin't dare try to avoid it on a wet highway curve.

No damage to the van, I probably crushed it's head with the tire. I definitely hit it and it was definitely dead. Two of the girls in the van freaked out.

I hit a flying birdie with my Subaru. It hit my hood. It was a 2005 RS Impreza - no hood scoop. There's a few birdcatcher posts in the subie forums :biggrin: