So bees eat peanut butter

30 November 2002
There is a wooden railing in front of my apartment. Lately there has been this giant bee that is always "gaurding" it when I walk by. Even though it's just a small bee, it's annoying... So the other day we were grilling out and he was flying around and then went in the hole in the wood railing, and I was eating peanut butter at the time so I scooped some out and put it on the rail over the hole. Later another big bee came, then left for like 10min, then he came back with another bee, then they left for like 10min, and came back with another! So we had 3 big bees circling around this hole now. That was on friday at like 4pm. On sunday it was back to one bee occasionally flying around. Well I come home today(Monday) around 4pm, and I see this.....


He dug his way out!! I think I've discovered some superbreed of bees. I think tomorrow I'm going to have to kill him and whoever else comes after, because they are becoming a nuisance
I have it on pretty good authority that bees do not eat epoxy... :biggrin:
Looks like you have carpenter bees. They will bore a small 1/4 inch hole into wood. The hole is often times perfect in shape and size.
Looks like you have carpenter bees. They will bore a small 1/4 inch hole into wood. The hole is often times perfect in shape and size.
steveny said:
Looks like you have carpenter bees. They will bore a small 1/4 inch hole into wood. The hole is often times perfect in shape and size.

I think you are correct...twice. The hole in the wood was like a perfect circle, there might have been two or so in there. When I told one of my roommates about the bee getting through the peanut butter he went out and covered the hole with duct tape. we all thought that would, even though it was stupid of him, obviously stop the bees from getting in there. I just figured we'd still have to kill them because they'd try to get in somewhere else, but I was wrong.....


They really want their hole back
Holy cow...those must be bionic bee's! I'd keep putting things infront of the hole and make them keep working to gain entry back into the wood. I'd like to see what would happen if you put a thin metal plate infront of the hole? :biggrin:
DocL said:
Holy cow...those must be bionic bee's! I'd keep putting things infront of the hole and make them keep working to gain entry back into the wood. I'd like to see what would happen if you put a thin metal plate infront of the hole? :biggrin:

....or a wine soaked peice of bread. :biggrin: The bee will wake up in a jar!
steveny said:
....or a wine soaked peice of bread. :biggrin: The bee will wake up in a jar!

haha, that is an intersting idea, I might try to kill him like that if I get creative enough this weekend

DocL said:
Holy cow...those must be bionic bee's! I'd keep putting things infront of the hole and make them keep working to gain entry back into the wood. I'd like to see what would happen if you put a thin metal plate infront of the hole?{/quote]

We thought about doing that, like putting a 2x4 in front of it and see how long it takes him to get threw it. I wonder how they get through stuff, chew? :confused:
95NSXT said:
We thought about doing that, like putting a 2x4 in front of it and see how long it takes him to get threw it. I wonder how they get through stuff, chew? :confused:

They do chew. If you are very quite you can hear them from several feet away.
steveny said:
....or a wine soaked peice of bread. :biggrin: The bee will wake up in a jar!

ROTFL... :biggrin:

Cruel... Still if your bored or simply inquisitive, it could be interesting.. :biggrin:
AU_NSX said:
ROTFL... :biggrin:

Cruel... Still if your bored or simply inquisitive, it could be interesting.. :biggrin:

In elementary school everyone was encapsulating coins in epoxy for art class to make paperweights for their parents. Guess what I put in the epoxy? I still have it somewhere. :biggrin: :biggrin:
fannsx said:
just go to Home Depot and buy a can of the expanding foam to plug the hole. That should work.

I actually works billiant. I used it on a nest, never saw one again.
AU_NSX said:
ROTFL... :biggrin:

Cruel... Still if your bored or simply inquisitive, it could be interesting.. :biggrin:

I get bored quickly, this weekend I'll try soaking something in vodka and putting it up over the hole. I'll post pics/results

Thanks for the reccomendation, I'll save that for when I actually want to be smart and eliminate them, for now I'll do some experimenting :biggrin:
Did you try chunky peanut butter?
This could be a new internet venture for you. You could have a web cam and people write and tell you what to put on or near the hole. I don't think the animal rights activists would like that though.