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The reason I use the snowflake analogy is because something that small and abundant that can't be duplicated exactly is one reason why I believe that intelligent life (other than us, beings that can build a radio telescope) dosen't exist! That means I don't believe in aliens and that I think, humans are the only ones. No I'm not a religious zealot. Why can't we be the only ones?

Just think if any number about scenarios didn't happen no human would exist.

Just off the top of my head here's some.

Could intelligence happen if? 

Some medium sized hunk of iron from space didn't kill off the dominate species. (Dino)

The surface areas of water and dry land were reversed. Not enough water and it becomes too salty. No rain etc.

The Earth was slightly smaller or bigger, rotated slower or faster, spun slower or faster, tilted to much or not enough or was a little closer or farther from the sun. Or any wrong combinations. To big and gravity become a problem, to small and an atmosphere wouldn't hang around.

Temperature of the globe was to hot or cold.

The earth’s makeup of just the right elements in the right proportions weren't.

That other big hunk of iron that blew off a huge chunk of the Earth and created the Moon didn't.

No Moon and to large of a planet spinning differently with no axis.

To big of a moon and not enough planet.

How about just the perfect size meteors going just the right speed, angle and time to do the job had a different approach.

The perfect sized Sun at the perfect distance and a model of consistency wasn't.

Bad timing!

A million things I can't even think of.

So what I'm saying is ET's development, would have to have the same kind of pure chaotic luck to exist. I don't believe inflated numbers in favor for alien intelligence because stats don't tell the whole story. There could be only one stat used on a reason why we  shouldn’t even be here. If nature can't duplicate a snowflake then what chance would it have duplicating what planet Earth needed to have intelligence. Our planet might be the one snowflake.

Anybody have something to add to that list or is there something (other than a bunch of large numbers that mean nothing) like a 4.5 billion year plan for alien intelligence that makes about as much sense as our own!

Any serious thoughts?

Believers, non, other! :smile:

