Snap- Ring

12 March 2001
Is there anywhere to get the VIN # of the cars that have been repaired or determined not to be a problem even though they are with in snap ring range. Not just the ones within range. I know some auto manufactures will recall 100 to 1000 cars on each end of vin#s that are problematic. This might be good info to know for people that have cars close to the beginning or end of the snap ring issue.
As quoted from FAQ.

The snap ring failure is limited to transmission numbers J4A4-1003542 through J4A4-1005978. These transmission numbers are limited to 1991 and 1992 model year vehicles. You cannot determine whether a car is in the range for possible failure by VIN number. You MUST check the TRANSMISSION NUMBER. The transmissions were not installed in sequential order by VIN number. It is important to note, however, that the problem does not exist on all transmissions in this range. 
What I was trying to get at is there any place on the web or elsewhere that list the cars that have been repaired that are within range. Example; if car 4,5,6,7,15,16,17,18 have been repaired because of faliure. this would then mean 8-14 might not be a problem? i am asking because mine is near the end of the bad production and I am wondering if anyone out there has a case near my # that has failed.

Chris has the right idea at the end of his post that not all in the range are effected. I am wondering if we can compile a list, of repaied or failed cases, to determine which of cases are not effected.

[This message has been edited by steveny (edited 10 June 2001).]
Originally posted by Chris W:
... It is important to note, however, that the problem does not exist on all transmissions in this range. 

Is this true? If you are in-range, my understanding is that:
- you can fix it; or
- hope it doesn't break (as I understand it, all trannys in-range have the POTENTIAL to break, although some might be "OK")

Is there some guideline, along the lines of: "if you have (some list of conditions, like time, mileage, etc) and it hasn't snapped, its likely its OK" ?

Most dealers will only help you out WHEN it breaks (not much goodwill on pro-active fixes).


I used to own a 91 that was supposedly was "out-of-range", and it did not fail on my watch. The next owner had it fail; turns out it was "in range", but one of my dealers helped arrange for help

[This message has been edited by cojones (edited 10 June 2001).]
Yes, It's true......NOT ALL trannys within this range actually have a problem... the reason is the tool that was used to machine the snap-ring was flawed in that it moved slightly during production. It had movable cutters. Ex. The first ones cut were perfect and as it went on, the cutters were moving making the next ones too small and so on. It would then be checked and adjusted to correct spec making the next ones perfect and then slightly too small again, and so on..... So, if 1-5 were perfect, 6-10 were slightly wrong but still ok, 11-15 potential problems, and 16-20 definite problems, then adjusted and 21-25 were perfect again, etc... Therefore, there would be now way to tell which may have the problem. They later rectified the problem by making the cutters stationary and impossible to be adjusted from a perfect cut..

Todd Arnold
Ok I have tranny number 5059. That is within snap ring range. Does any NSX Prime member or nsx owner that might be reading this have or has had a tranny number near mine that failed. I'm thinking why have mine repaired if it may not be an issue. BTW its a 92 with 35k miles.
If someone can start compiling a list of failed/repaired tranny #'s I'd be happy to add it to the FAQ. The number of miles at the time of failure would also be interesting.
Lud you read my mind.
This is what I was getting at all along. I think this would be helpful and reassuring info to have up here. It would also be neat to know how many of the cars acura said were affected actually failed.
It would also be neat to know how many of the cars acura said were affected actually failed.

That would be impossible unless you knew (a) how many members of NSXprime actually own NSX's; (b) what percentage of NSXprime members actually bother to report their snap ring failures to NSXprime; and (c) whether NSXprime members are a representative (and statistically significant) sample of NSX owners in terms of the distribution of the types of cars, the level of care of their cars, etc. My guess is it would be near impossible to use the members here to extrapolate to all NSX's and come up with reliable statistics.
What would have been REALLY interesting would have been to measure the "play" in all the transmissions in range as soon as the problem was discovered, then record which ones failed at how many miles. Unfortunately, we will never have that information.