Snap Ring Failure?

31 March 2005
What do you think the percentage of cars within Snap Ring range actually Fail. Found a 45k car for 28k but is in range. he will drop to 27.7k oboy lol
had inspected at dealer all else is well with car.
Quandry :frown:
Sockeye said:
What do you think the percentage of cars within Snap Ring range actually Fail.

Even if the odds were low do you really want to take that gamble ? Why dont you take the savings that the seller is offering and do the " PROPER " snap ring fix and enjoy the car. :rolleyes:
Wow, that's an interesting story. I had no idea ! Seems like this should have been a recall. Thanks for the info.
Im in snap ring range and have no symtoms of having problems. In fact when I did the clutch I follwed instructions from ACURA to have inspect it and everything looked fine. Just drive and enjoy. Worrying is a waste.
I bought mine 91 with it in range at 43k miles. It was a gamble, and I lost. Repair was ~3k including oem clutch and labor. If the car checks out on everything else, figure in the repair cost to the sales price. Then nothing to worry about.
mine had no syptoms or problems all the way till about 90,000 miles. The snap ring broke and I had the trans case replaced and oem clutch. Total cost nearly $3000.00. If your in the range it can happen anytime..... don't assume since it hasn't broken in so many miles it should be good for life.
Here's my story--I have a '92 in the snapring range and it has shifted as smooth as silk. I decided to inspect the snap ring myself this past weekend and found that it's been boroken--for how long, nobody knows. There were pieces of it sitting on the treaded area of the inspection hole. So, I'm now wothout a car until it's repaired.

My main point here is that one can have a failed snapring and have no symptoms at all, like my car. There is still much of the ring left on the groove and perhaps that holds things in place for a time. My recommendation is to not buy a car in the snapring range unless you have it inspected ahead of time--unlike me.
im getting scared :biggrin:
I am going to by the car. I Appreciate everyones input but wish i had more ,no problem , responces. The main reason for going ahead with the purchase is that Mark Bach's opinoin is not to let it stop you from buying a car if it is one you want. now i know that he sells tranys for these cars but i dont think that was the motive behind him telling me this . 1.They dont all brake 2. if they brake apparently nothing else is hurt 3. the car has 44.6K and that is important to(Relatively low miles). Hopefully the worst case senario is money for a short through tranny and a tow.
Sockeye--you're right. I didn't mean to scare you. Just inspect it ahead of time and, if it breaks, don't drive so as to prevent any more serious damage to the gears. Or--just have the preventive fix done and never worry about it. Best of luck with your new ride!