Snap Ring Failure range?


Legendary Member
17 April 2000
Northern VA
I'm a little confused. I thought any NSX from 91-93 may be in the snap ring failure range? But on the Faq, it says it's only within 91-92. Which is true?
I'm a little confused. I thought any NSX from 91-93 may be in the snap ring failure range? But on the Faq, it says it's only within 91-92. Which is true?

The transmissions in the failure range were not necessarily installed in the cars in consecutive sequence. Thus you can have some '92 cars that might have a transmission that is not in the failure range, and a '93 car that is in the failure range, or vice versa. The only way to tell for sure is to look at the transmission's serial number, as described in the FAQ.
I have never heard of a 1993 car with a transmission in the range.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 06 September 2000).]
I have never heard of a 1993 car with a transmission in the range.

Neither have I. It's possible that some trannies wound up in some of the '93 models though, particularly since the TSB came out in '93. Only way to be sure is to check the tranny number.