Snake Eater!

Textbook poster material for child endangerment awareness
If its a photoshop creation then hats off to its creator. I can find no pixel anomolies, the focal point is perfect, and the shading is on the money. If its a fake then its a good one. :D
It's common practice for the "snake charmers" to de-fang the cobras. It's also common to get their kids used to being around the snakes at a young age.
Does defanging include getting rid of poison glands? I would guess so, since cobras spit their venom as well as bite.
nkb said:
Does defanging include getting rid of poison glands? I would guess so, since cobras spit their venom as well as bite.

Actually not all Cobras spit...and if they do spit, its throught their fangs. They act like pipes from a blow dart....aim fangs forward and squeeze.

So if the cobras are defanged, the kid is somewhat safe...only problem I can see is if the smaller teeth in the back (can't remember whether venomous snakes have them or not) cut the skin, and some of the venom gets rubbed in.:eek: