Smog Test #2 (Fail, but almost passed) - Help

18 November 2010
Pasadena, CA
So, here was my smog test when I first got the car (this was tmbromley's car, so it was filled with Georgia gas):

15 mph
HC = 195 ppm (max = 80) FAIL
CO(%) = 0.66 (max = 0.52) FAIL
NO = 850 ppm (max = 549) FAIL

25 mph
HC = 62 ppm (max = 62) PASS
CO(%) = 0.13 (max = 0.61) PASS
NO = 143 ppm (max = 507) PASS

So I finished off the tank of Georgia gas, then I filled up with California Chevron. In addition, I added a bottle of Red Line SI-1 fuel system cleaner. At the end of the tank, I had the following results:

15 mph
HC = 85 ppm FAIL
CO(%) = 0.15 PASS
NO = 259 ppm PASS

25 mph
HC = 55 ppm PASS
CO(%) = 0.12 PASS
NO = 214 ppm PASS

So, I'm only 5 ppm away from passing.

Any thoughts?

I'm thinking of either one of the following:

1. Another bottle of Red Line SI-1 with less gas (10 gallons?) to increase the concentration
2. Another full tank of Shell with Red Line SI-1

I'm open to suggestions. I'm tired of driving around without a license plate!
Looks like the car failed the hydrocarbon test, which shows a bit of water in the system.

Seriously...add a small bottle of rubbing alcohol to the gas tank and take the car for emissions testing again. Best to have 1/4 tank of gas or less when you do this. The rubbing alcohol absorbs the water, which will lower the hydrocarbon reading.
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I just got off the phone with Jon Martin (man, what a helpful guy!).

He said to try going thru another tank of gas and let both the O2 sensor & ECU "adjust" to its new environment.

Thanks again everyone for all the help.

Just got my car back from Jon Martin. Big thumbs up to Jon Martin.

So, it turns out my spark plugs were fouled. The funny thing is, tmbromley had just about everything done during his ownership of the car. "Almost" excludes spark plugs, which were pretty old, and a heat range colder than OEM.

While I had the car there I also had the following done:

Oil change to Red Line 5w30 (Jon recommends Neo 0w5)
Transmission fluid change to Honda white cap MTF
Installed M Factory magnetic drain plugs
Installed Titanium Dave's damper shield
Replaced VTEC solenoid gaskets, valve cover gaskets, and spark plug seals

The car feels better now, and it passed at Power Honda's smog machine. I'll go to the official smog station on Monday & post results.
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Just got my car back from Jon Martin. Big thumbs up to Jon Martin.

So, it turns out my spark plugs were fouled. The funny thing is, tmbromley had just about everything done during his ownership of the car. "Almost" excludes spark plugs, which were pretty old, and a heat range colder than OEM.

While I had the car there I also had the following done:

Oil change to Red Line 5w30 (Jon recommends Neo 0w5)
Transmission fluid change to Honda white cap MTF
Installed M Factory magnetic drain plugs
Installed Titanium Dave's damper shield
Replaced VTEC solenoid gaskets, valve cover gaskets, and spark plug seals

The car feels better now, and it passed at Power Honda's smog machine. I'll go to the official smog station on Monday & post results.

My 1996 has the original plugs at 27,500 miles. Last smog passed with flying colors. Thinking its that lousy Atlanta gas that's the root cause!!
Passed this morning (finally). Here are the final #s:

15 mph
HC = 38 ppm
CO% = 0.05
NO = 255 ppm

25 mph
HC = 34 ppm
CO% = 0.03
NO = 198 ppm