Slow Yellow NSX from New York??

15 October 2002
West Vancouver
Slow Yellow NSX from New York at Est Fest

At Est Fest (thanks to everyone who came and see everyone who didnt at next years event), there was a yellow NSX that was REALLY slow. So slow that it couldnt even keep up with the red NSXs. It has to be a repaint, probably of a black car given how slow this car was. I was looking around to find who the owner was, but I couldnt find him/her; who would fess up that this was their car? No one!

Anyways, the only clue I have is that this car had a "Trachmasters" sticker on it. Ive never heard of "Trachmasters"; I asked around and some who had heard of it told me that it was the farm team level of Trackmasters. Apparently this car was deemed too slow for Trackmasters too. Repaint of a black car, Im positive!

Here's the only clue I have for you. If you find the owner, please show sympathy. You can dress up a slow black car, but you're not fooling anyone.

I dont think the driver is helping that poor car go any faster, either.

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Oh.. no... you did not just do that... :eek: :wink:
LMAO.... I think the paint is original pal...
Here we go - Dave has fallen off his speed-denial therapy, again.

He like to find guys WAY faster than him and post crap online about how slow they are so that somehow or other he "feels" faster.

He eve bought a cage for his NSX - and, after a a half a beer at Est Fest he went around telling everyone he was an animal and needed to be caged! :eek:
Bring it on is all I have to say.

And you're the King of "look at all of the times I past you" as Im entering the pits or on a warm up lap, or whatever. Fact is that Ive got a proven faster time than you do, too. And that is in my street NSX and you're in your race car with full lexan and fire suppression!

Anyways, back to the topic.

I googled Trachmasters when I got home. It wasnt pretty. POOR NSX.