Skyline GTR Test Video

17 June 2006
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I find it satirical how something like the new Z06 can beat a Lamborghini Gallardo, and now a "Nissan" can it beat the Z06, Viper and Porsche 911 Turbo (or at least extremely competitive to it in all scenarios)

I can't imagine what this thing's gonna be like with a diet and even basic mods like IHE.

If I were to come up with one even being boosted, I would just have to put my window down and say "nice car, you win, can I get a picture?" :biggrin:
CHeeeeeezus....11.6 in the 1/4 with a 3.3 60'??? That's amazing for a stock car!!! :eek::eek::eek: Especially for one that is going to be cheaper than the Z06! Now, if it just had better looks :smile:
I find it satirical how something like the new Z06 can beat a Lamborghini Gallardo, and now a "Nissan" can it beat the Z06, Viper and Porsche 911 Turbo (or at least extremely competitive to it in all scenarios)

I can't imagine what this thing's gonna be like with a diet and even basic mods like IHE.

If I were to come up with one even being boosted, I would just have to put my window down and say "nice car, you win, can I get a picture?" :biggrin:

The ultimate question remains, how long these new cars will last at daytona 24 hours and other races where longevity comes in play. Thats where Porsche(Nsx) usually excels and the rest find mechanical glitchs. The race is usually won by the car with the most integrety and build quality.

It beat the 911 turbo 0-60 but tied at the quarter mile, that means it will likely lose somewhere around 130-150mph to the Porsche. The numbers are really good on the nissan but Porsche did an 11.7 in the old 1997 Turbo S.
It beat the 911 turbo 0-60 but tied at the quarter mile, that means it will likely lose somewhere around 130-150mph to the Porsche. The numbers are really good on the nissan but Porsche did an 11.7 in the old 1997 Turbo S.[/QUOTE]

1997 Turbo S @ $150,000 did 0-60 in 3.7 and 1/4 in 12.1s, this car destroyed those numbers at half the price....longevity, well we'll just have to wait and see.
1997 Turbo S @ $150,000 did 0-60 in 3.7 and 1/4 in 12.1s, this car destroyed those numbers at half the price....longevity, well we'll just have to wait and see

Porsche understats their performance figures.

993 Turbo S 0-60 3.7 quarter mile 11.7 $150k new $150 used or very little depreciation.

Take an older 996 Turbo for 55k and put 20k into it and your pretty close to this 996 10 seconds faster than GTR


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