Site down today

10 February 2000
Sorry for the down-time today. An automated update to the database server apparently went badly in the middle of the night. It created a real mess and corrupted all the databases, including the database server's own operational database, and thus the db server wouldn't even start up again.

While restoring the site to the last backup would have brought it back up pretty quickly, I really didn't want to revert to that because it would have resulted in the loss of data since the backup was created.

After going down a bunch of dead ends trying to figure out what was wrong, and then how to fix it, in the end it was recovered by creating a new "sandbox" database server, importing the broken databases, repairing them, exporting them, saving all the production database server config, doing a clean database server installation on the production server, and re-importing the fixed databases and configuration. All these steps (identifying the problem, figuring out how to fix it, and then the actual process of fixing it) took a considerable amount of time, but I felt that was preferable to losing the most recent data.
Thanks for the effort Lud. I know what a Herculean task that must have been. I admire your conviction and determination. Most would have simply restored from the last backup and called it a day.

being into IT myself, i'm well aware of the mighty task you had on your hands.

I salute you for your care with this community.

Great work Lud, didnt understand a word you said, but fantastic you got it running again!!

Many thanks Lud, you really get a renewed sense of appreciation for Prime when you can't log in for even a day!!!

thank goodness I don't own this site or we would all be passing handwritten notes......Lud is computer genius....:cool:
Thanks Lud for all of your efforts. I realize that a lot goes on behind the scenes of the best site on the web. Though, it was my most productive day at work in a while, it was sure boring.
Hey Lud When trying to do a search (title search) I keep getting the following message...

connection to localhost:9312 failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused).

The rest of the site seems to work fine.
Thanks Lud for all of your efforts. I realize that a lot goes on behind the scenes of the best site on the web. Though, it was my most productive day at work in a while, it was sure boring.

lol ..for this one day the Us gdp increased .02%:eek: