Significant amount of water found on the moon

Lunar Water

On the night of a full moon, fill a clear, glass, wide-mouth jar with pure spring water or distilled water.
After the moon is fully visible in the sky, take the jar outside and position it so the moon is reflected within. Maintain this position, looking at the moon's reflection in the water.
The water is now charged with lunar energy. Put the lid on the jar and save it. If you wish to add a verbal blessing, you may do so, while contemplating the reflection of the moon.

Hail Aradia, fair lunar spirit,
Bless this water with your power;
We are pulled by the moon, as are the tides.
Lunar water can add lunar energies to any spell or blessing that involves water.
This water should be saved only for one lunation, from full moon to full moon. Ideally any remaining old lunar water is poured out under the moon prior to charging another batch. This water is said to only retain its "virtue" from one full moon to the next.