Sighting in Pasadena (Doo Dah Day)

30 April 2004
Monrovia, CA
Saw a red NSX North on Ramond Ave at 2:05 PM, Turned West on Walnut and made an illegal U turn and went back S on Raymond Ave.
Hey, not 1 minute after making that illegal U turn, a Pasadena PD was there! Not more than 20 minutes later there was a big accident at the location. A Doo Dah bus turned in front of this poor guy, he avoided clipping the driver side but ran into the signal pole head on! Crunch at probably 30 MPH!!!
Also saw a Silver NSX, can't remember where in Pasadena..but around 2:30 PM

Hey Joe.
Hope you are doing fine.
Sounds like a great place to move too.
The guy was a young Asian with a passenger.

Chat with you later.

Hello Brad,

I have a 95 red/tan, and was running errands in east Pasadena, Monrovia and other areas of SGV. Maybe my wife took my car out while I was working around the house. I did see a Red 91-94 parked in front of Goldsmiths Golf on Foothill in Pasadena last Saturday. I also see a Red 95+ NSX parked at a house on Orange Grove (between Baldwin and Michalinda) in Arcadia every so often. There appears to be more NSX's in our area than I thought.

I live Sierra Madre.


Brad said:
The guy was a young Asian with a passenger.

Chat with you later.


Hi Mario.
Its wasn't your car unless you loaned it to an Asian GUY!
I see a red early 90's running around Monrovia once in a while.
I hear there is a black one parked at BJ's restaurant all the time in Arcadia.
I don't take mine out too much, average several times a month on the weekends since I'd rather take 2 wheels.

BH :smile: