*sigh* wife pissed off again.

8 July 2003
She noticed on my credit card statement (a seperate card from hers) that I spent $3000 on my new rs6. Now i'm under strict instructions (after an ass chewing) that I can't spend more than $1000 without consulting the administrator of the treasury (that would be her). Now i'm wondering how i'm going to sneak my DP+ exhaust past her...at $4000.....

ahh. sheeit.
Stories like this make me *real* happy to be single. Sucks.
Remember this. It's frequently easier to get forgiveness than obtain permission.

You can also try the old "we talked about it last week, don't you remember?" routine. That works for me sometimes. You're lucky, my pre-authorized limit is less than yours. :)
spend 1000 on a gift card from the vendor you are buying the exhaust from...

then another 1000

then another 1000

then another 1000

then tell her to be specific next time once you get caught haha
She noticed on my credit card statement (a seperate card from hers) that I spent $3000 on my new rs6. Now i'm under strict instructions (after an ass chewing) that I can't spend more than $1000 without consulting the administrator of the treasury (that would be her). Now i'm wondering how i'm going to sneak my DP+ exhaust past her...at $4000.....

ahh. sheeit.

You gotta sell the benefits to your wife.

"Hunny the money I am investing in this project will save us money and gas in the long run."
Renee and I split all the bills 50/50 and then have our own money to use on what ever we choose.

When we first got together I paid 100% while she was in school then she paid 100% to pay me back for the same amount of time.
She noticed on my credit card statement (a seperate card from hers) that I spent $3000 on my new rs6. Now i'm under strict instructions (after an ass chewing) that I can't spend more than $1000 without consulting the administrator of the treasury (that would be her). Now i'm wondering how i'm going to sneak my DP+ exhaust past her...at $4000.....

ahh. sheeit.

I have one word for you, "CASH". :wink:

I have been maried for 19 years....maybe that's why my wife has give up when it comes to me spending money!

Heck...I had my 93 NSX sold at 9:30 am and at 10:15 am I had a deal made for my 2002. She knows I will keep spending when it comes to my NSX.

Here is how you do it! Start whining....and DON'T STOP until she gives in. Keep this up and after 10 or so years...they don't have the strength to put up a fight!!!:smile:
I have been maried for 19 years....maybe that's why my wife has give up when it comes to me spending money!

Heck...I had my 93 NSX sold at 9:30 am and at 10:15 am I had a deal made for my 2002. She knows I will keep spending when it comes to my NSX.

Here is how you do it! Start whining....and DON'T STOP until she gives in. Keep this up and after 10 or so years...they don't have the strength to put up a fight!!!:smile:

hehe well the whining is how i got the OK for the rs6 and nsx in the first place...

But I DO like the idea of $1000 a month...
She noticed on my credit card statement (a seperate card from hers) that I spent $3000 on my new rs6. Now i'm under strict instructions (after an ass chewing) that I can't spend more than $1000 without consulting the administrator of the treasury (that would be her). Now i'm wondering how i'm going to sneak my DP+ exhaust past her...at $4000.....

ahh. sheeit.

How much can she spend without consulting you? :tongue:

$1000 leeway seems like a lot to me.
HAHAHA, this is one of the best threads in a while... My wife and I don't have limits anymore, but I can remember when we did, and I HATED it! Now, everything I buy for my car (including the car) is a write-off, so it's not a big deal, But somehow I still don't have everything I want for my car? :rolleyes:
see if the vendor accepts paypal, then use your paypal account and slowly put money into that acct in increments less than 1K and when you have enough in there pay via paypal! :)

this will only work if she doesn't have access to your paypal acct. otherwise CASH is always an option!
You need to create a slush fund that she knows nothing about.
That works for me! :biggrin:

Nate in DC
Two things you can do will lead to aftermarket parts if you are dealing w/ WAP (Wife Approval Factor):

1. The mood - buy her flowers and display them in the house, Candles are good too. And be sure to smell good.
2. Foot rubs - the foot has many sensory points that lead directly to erogenous zones...

...oh wait. These things will get you something else...but heck, if you do a good job at that something else, you probably stand a better chance of getting approval for parts. :biggrin:
This one time... at breakfast... I picked up the autos for sale adds and at the end of the day spent $12k on a mint 87 928 S4.

I'm not allowed to read the autos for sale adds anymore :redface:
DAMN - I guess I am just lucky. I told my wife I was looking at the GT3 or a F360. She said - get the Ferrari. I ended up getting the GT3 and she was disappointed that I didn't get the Ferrari.

Then I told her it doesn't make sense to keep the NSX and the GT3 and she says - "You can't sell it. If we can afford then keep it.":biggrin: - Am I lucky or what.:biggrin:

Maybe the wife is telling you she wants the NSX now. Either way, you have a keeper.
Might be cheaper in the long run to buy another apartment and have the creditcard statement sent there :biggrin:

I'm not married and don't plan on getting married but me and my girlfriend have been living together for more than three years now. Before we started dating I made it very clear that I love cars, repairing, waxing, driving and just looking at them. Now I can spend whatever I want on my cars and don't even have to run it by her :tongue: